YouTube MP3 download sites targeted by music industry 09/03/2018 20:30
The BPI sends their 100 millionth DMCA URL takedown notice to Google 09/22/2014 12:55
BPI seeks BitTorrent site blocks in UK 02/19/2013 20:34
More Piracy site blocks in UK as music industry fires off demands 10/22/2012 20:22
Google has to remove 1 million infringing links from search engine, monthly 05/25/2012 13:33
In the UK, CD sales fall, digital album downloads continue rise 01/03/2012 1:06
BPI fund to help Indie labels following fire at Sony distribution center 08/14/2011 7:59
Record label visits schools to combat piracy 05/26/2011 19:27
BPI wants Google, search engines to censor illegal downloads 12/17/2010 1:30
BPI: 1.2 billion illegal music downloads in UK in 2010 12/16/2010 23:00
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