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Version history for n-Track Studio for Mac OS X

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Changes for v8.0 Beta Build 3316 - v8.0.0 Beta Build 3318

  • Fixed issues with n-Track Sampler not correctly loading the sound banks [Bug Fix]
  • Fixed issues with volume/pan automation for MIDI tracks [Bug Fix]
  • Volume/pan automation for step sequencer tracks [New Feature]
  • Minor fixes and UI improvement [Bug Fix]

Changes for v8.0.0 Beta Build 3311 - v8.0 Beta Build 3316

  • Fixed sporadic crash on loading a song from the latests songs in file menu [Bug Fix]
  • Fixes issues dragging and dropping files into n-Track (Mac) [Bug Fix]
  • Fixed crash on loading Pure Data Vocoder [Bug Fix]
  • Fixed audio glitches on changing track volume when playback is over the last node [Bug Fix]

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