Nintendo has sold about 2.49 million Wii consoles in Japan since it was launched back in December. Sony has sold about 928,642 PS3s in the territory since last November.
I think Sony should remove the Blu-ray drive from the PS3 and sell it as
a add-on kinda like the Xbox 360, Then they can lower the price and compete with the Wii and 360. Thats just my 2 cents.
They can't do it now, they should've been selling it like that from the get go..but as I said before they just want to force feed you their new technology they helped create.
Dont let the ps3 fanboys hear that.HA HA HA
if it was a add on then you would of said they copied the 360 cant you min wage workers or fanboys ever stop complaining...its way to early to tell the psx was declared a flop early the ps2 had just as much hate and the ps3 has even more hate than the other two, get off the bandwagon already it became uncool a few month ago.
what does min wage have to do with this it is a debate nothing more nothing less and for you to say that. makes you the real broke edited by ddp.he made a good point if the ps3 hade a standard drive in it the price would be more competitive.so how is he broke for saying that.i bet you dont own a ps3 well i do i own all the console from the last two generations.and just for the record my family owns BRIAD WENCO.do your research and then tell me who makes min wage edited by ddp.
i wouldnt have said it copied the x360....i wouldve said the x360 copied ps3 HAHA cause the HD-DVD addon came after the ps3 release,
so if ps3 had done the add-on first...hmmmmm
If sony did make it an addon drive...then could someone not make a HD addon drive for the PS3, thus having the choice between HD and Blueray on a PS3 ?
Maybe thats what they where worried about, so they just forced their own brand. Its risky, but i guess if i owned the business, that thought would have crossed my mind. Not very consumer friendly mind u...but it is a Console War. Someone has to win...and someone has to lose.
interesting point mightyone
i wonder if someone can do a bluray addon for the x360
Well the reason its not an addon is because they want their games to be on the bluray technology, I mean you cant have a Blu-ray game, without the hardware necessary to play the game. PS3's are probably going to be hard to move for at least a year or two more, but I think eventually, it will take the lead, simply based on the blu ray data figures that have been released for this year so far (In dvd sales) ...personally I think all 3 consoles offer something special, and my leanings are to get all 3, as I have a wii and 360 so far, and am a huge fan of Final Fantasy and other PS related games
Buying all three consoles and owning a PC is a waste of money
IMO.Most people don't have the time to complete a game on one
console let alone all three.
It's business,people should open their eyes and ask themselves a logical question?Why does that company have that exclusive game?
Consumers don't want to be left out in the cold,but buying every
competing product is not the answer.
You choose a horse and you back it all the way.If it loses it's
no big deal because if it is a deal then you shouldn't be playing
All three consoles have certain exclusives and I believe you
choose based on the strength of what you really enjoy and compromise
on the rest with what you've got.
Little Timmy who owns all three consoles,may be bragging rights in Primary school but for the rest of us,it's foolish and excessive.
To me the Wii is an enigma,a console that has a unique control
method that can be fun but is a cloak that underneath hides hardware that is fundamentaly weak.
Cheap sells,and Nintendo has packaged it very well to look fun
and look Next Gen at the same time which is a neat trick but a
trick none the less.If you wanted exercise and entertainment then
there are plenty of activities that are more sociable,more fun
and less expensive.To me the Wii represents cheap 'n' cheerful
but not value.
well i have my pc for games like BF2142, the internet and all that
the wii is fun, no question about it
imma get the x360 for Halo 3, thats worth it to me
and eventually when the ps3 is worth buyin, imma get it too
its not a waste of money, if i have it, who cares, its my money ill spend it all however i want
I own a 360 and a Wii, and have no plans on buying a PS3 unless something miraculous happens.
btw, Zelda is not a TRICK!
I love reading these figures about Nintendo beating Sony.
Originally posted by ChromeMud:now i don want to be flaming, but are you poor.
Buying all three consoles and owning a PC is a waste of money
IMO.Most people don't have the time to complete a game on one
console let alone all three.
It's business,people should open their eyes and ask themselves a logical question?Why does that company have that exclusive game?
Consumers don't want to be left out in the cold,but buying every
competing product is not the answer.
You choose a horse and you back it all the way.If it loses it's
no big deal because if it is a deal then you shouldn't be playing
All three consoles have certain exclusives and I believe you
choose based on the strength of what you really enjoy and compromise
on the rest with what you've got.
Little Timmy who owns all three consoles,may be bragging rights in Primary school but for the rest of us,it's foolish and excessive.
To me the Wii is an enigma,a console that has a unique control
method that can be fun but is a cloak that underneath hides hardware that is fundamentaly weak.
Cheap sells,and Nintendo has packaged it very well to look fun
and look Next Gen at the same time which is a neat trick but a
trick none the less.If you wanted exercise and entertainment then
there are plenty of activities that are more sociable,more fun
and less expensive.To me the Wii represents cheap 'n' cheerful
but not value.
you are flamming as.ho.e and its not cute.all you poeple do is bash each other for just just having a different point of view and he my have more money than you.you dont know so keep your so called funny remarks to your self.and just stick to the thread a..hole.and no iam not poor very far from it but that dont mean much here do it.
Does anyone find humor in the fact that no news site pins Wii Vs 360 in Japan? I mean, I realize everyone assumes the 360 will fail there. Imagine the headline though.
Wii outsells 360 25:1 in Japan for May.
I mean, yeah it is a little sad that Wii is killing everyone but it is just generic adoption rate rules. Things that are more expensive have a different slope to adopt. How long have HD tvs been out, 5 years? What's market penetration, like less than 10%? Of course both 360 and PS3 are going to take longer to penetrate the market with both limited good games (yes for all three systems) and a high price on the higher two. However this will work its way down as it did in the past. Sony's main concerns should be loading up games and dropping the price. 360 needs to difersify games (ok no more "american" games) and make a small price drop. The defect in Wii is less fixable. The Wii will need an upgrade. Something they simply can't do.
For this reason you will see the market slowly flip flop from away from the Wii and towards one of the other two systems. It just matters on the two big boys strategies.
I own a Xbox ,Wii ,PS3, PSP , DS, PC and a laptop and if they bring any new item as add ons I would buy them any how...
Ream said...
Quote:If you had read my post you might of noticed it was my opinion
now i don want to be flaming, but are you poor.
any non fanboy knows, if you have all the consoles you get all the goodness from all. why deprive your self of some outstanding games, when you can afford them?
Lets be honest & not blind to the facts the Wii is selling because it has a low price point not because its better than the 360 or PS3. I'm willing to bet anything that if the other two console was that price it would be selling like the Wii & the Wii would be stuff in a corner in some stores.
NexGen i completely agree. I think its a no brainer when comparing prices. $250 vs $600. There really dont take much to choose the cheaper system with more games.
well think about it if you could buy a PS3 for $399 u would so its a good point been raised here. I have played both of the consoles and there is good and bad things with both. games are exclusive to both of the consoles that is the problem
Quote:Great point thats a major issue also.Most of the 2nd & 3rd party support are going to every Nex-gen consoles & not giving buyer's a real reason to own a certain console.
games are exclusive to both of the consoles that is the problem
yea its pure common sense, what kind of a retard would buy such an expensive system like ps3 right now? it lacks good games, it definitily cant compete at the moment with 360 and the cheap ass wii which can turn entertaining, give it a couple of years, im glad people are using their brains.
Long live Nintendo! I'm still playing my SuperNES and NES.