AfterDawn: Tech news

Android Market hits new milestone, 50,000 apps

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 26 Apr 2010 10:34 User comments (3)

Android Market hits new milestone, 50,000 apps After just 18 months, the Android Market has hit its latest milestone, 50,000 apps available in the marketplace.
The company reported in December 2009 that it the store had reached 16,000 apps.

By mid-March 2010, the store had doubled its apps available to 30,000.

The stats site AndroLib says the breakdown of the 50,000 apps, in terms of free vs. paid, is 59 percent to 41 percent, the closest number is recent memory.

In comparison, the Apple App Store hit 50,000 in 12 months, and now sits at around 190,000.

Adds Asad Rafi of Android Spin: "With this rapid increase in the number of applications with in such a short time period, it will only a matter of time before the Android market will cross 100,000 application mark."

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3 user comments

127.4.2010 08:05

spam edited by ddp

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 27 Apr 2010 @ 12:51

227.4.2010 16:10

faster growth than apple..just a little bit longer and ill be sold on android..well,that and flash of course

327.4.2010 19:21

Originally posted by Josipher:
faster growth than apple..just a little bit longer and ill be sold on android..well,that and flash of course
How many apps could you possible need? More than 50,000??

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