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More sources claim iPad 2 will have USB, Retina Display, more

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Nov 2010 5:03 User comments (17)

More sources claim iPad 2 will have USB, Retina Display, more New sources have reported that the upcoming iPad 2 will include 5 new "key" features, ones that will likely boost the tablet's sales exponentially.
If accurate, the reports say the iPad 2 will add a front-facing camera for video conferencing (and FaceTime), USB ports, Retina Display, 3-axis gyroscope and a carbon fiber (lighter/thinnner) body.

The most notable of the features may be the addition of USB ports, which Apple has never added to any of their iOS devices.

Retina Display, seen on fourth-generation iPods and iPhones, enhances image performance and colors.

The 3-axis gyroscopes, paired with the existing accelerometer, should provide game developers a new platform for full six-axis gaming.

While still unconfirmed, the iPad 2 should see an April 2011 release, possibly available in multiple sizes.

Tags: Apple iPad
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17 user comments

127.11.2010 17:23

wow hard to beleive kids want these, I guess apple did a good job of advertising

227.11.2010 18:44
Unverified new user

Originally posted by TBandit:
wow hard to beleive kids want these, I guess apple did a good job of advertising
You're obviously not very intelligent.

327.11.2010 20:35

I agree with TBandit, these things are overpriced peices of garbage and apple does really focus on advertising and how the product looks more than how it performs. Kids see this shiny new expensive toy and want it. Honestly ForwardThinker TBandit is probably very intelligent, apple customers however are not!

428.11.2010 04:08
Unverified new user

Originally posted by stuntman_:
I agree with TBandit, these things are overpriced peices of garbage and apple does really focus on advertising and how the product looks more than how it performs. Kids see this shiny new expensive toy and want it. Honestly ForwardThinker TBandit is probably very intelligent, apple customers however are not!
Have to disagree - not an Apple fan by any means, but after playing with it at the store, I caved and bought one (figuring if I didn't like it, I had two weeks to bring it back). Now looking back, I think it's the single best gadget I have ever purchased. Perfect for watching videos, surfing the net, and with about 10-20 apps I use on a regular basis, it has offered me a number of different added benefits. My daughter loves it and she has a page of her own apps too - dr. seuss stories, animal apps, math, reading, and writing apps, etc.

I also have a laptop, htpc, eee pc, iphone 3gs, 360, ps3, and wii, but the ipad is the gadget that's in my hands the most. It was one of those purchases where at first I wasn't sure how to justify it and wasn't sure if I even needed it - now I have no idea how I lived without it.

The one major drawback is the lack of flash support, and it does suck, dont get me wrong. I'm no Apple apologist and think they are major douches in that regard. But it simply has the best UI of any device I've ever used, and I have tried them all. Debate all you want about Apple's walled garden and "seamless/integrated vs. closed" structure, but what it does it does extremely well.

528.11.2010 11:03

Originally posted by Applesucksbut...:
Originally posted by stuntman_:
I agree with TBandit, these things are overpriced peices of garbage and apple does really focus on advertising and how the product looks more than how it performs. Kids see this shiny new expensive toy and want it. Honestly ForwardThinker TBandit is probably very intelligent, apple customers however are not!
Have to disagree - not an Apple fan by any means, but after playing with it at the store, I caved and bought one (figuring if I didn't like it, I had two weeks to bring it back). Now looking back, I think it's the single best gadget I have ever purchased. Perfect for watching videos, surfing the net, and with about 10-20 apps I use on a regular basis, it has offered me a number of different added benefits. My daughter loves it and she has a page of her own apps too - dr. seuss stories, animal apps, math, reading, and writing apps, etc.

I also have a laptop, htpc, eee pc, iphone 3gs, 360, ps3, and wii, but the ipad is the gadget that's in my hands the most. It was one of those purchases where at first I wasn't sure how to justify it and wasn't sure if I even needed it - now I have no idea how I lived without it.

The one major drawback is the lack of flash support, and it does suck, dont get me wrong. I'm no Apple apologist and think they are major douches in that regard. But it simply has the best UI of any device I've ever used, and I have tried them all. Debate all you want about Apple's walled garden and "seamless/integrated vs. closed" structure, but what it does it does extremely well.
But, regardless, there was a time when you lived without it, right?

628.11.2010 16:05

@ escalante wasn't there a time u lived with out computers.. I mean come on have u used it?

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 28 Nov 2010 @ 4:07

728.11.2010 16:23

Sure it is cool for what it does ,but its no where near worth the price, and why would you buy it now? Apple is the most predictable company ever didn't you know the iPad 2 was right around the corner with all those added features? Or are you just going to support the apple machine a little more and buy that when it comes out as well? Apple intentionally leaves out features so you will buy the 2nd generation. I have played with both samsungs tablet and the iPad, they are pretty much the same thing except the samsung tablet has way way way way way more features. But the ipad sells better because it is advertised more and "looks" cooler. Also if you have an iphone3gs how can you justify getting an ipad at all? Its the same thing but with a bigger screen.

828.11.2010 20:24

wait? no usb? I don't follow apple very much so didn't know this. also no CD/DVD. So yeah your forced to have AT&T service I presume or WIFI? It just seems very odd to me that a tech device would not have a USB with the way everything is going these days.
Then again I'm sure it's bluetooth enabled which levates some of the restraints.
No flash?? Aren't there alot of flash based websites?? I know my Adobe flash thingy is wanting me to update stuff so I'm assuming theres a good chunk.
Then again maybe I just don't understand big companies like Apple. I thought giving consumers what they wanted was how you get custumers. Now I guess all you have to do is over glamorize the product, over price it so they they think their getting something really totally awsome. Have the CEO dress in trendy turtle necks, and all the sheep will bash anything that doesn't have an apple logo on it.
I got some beach front property in Arizona for sale. It costs 1 billion dollars and all the cool people are getting it.
*edited for spelling* yeah I know theres other words mispelled. But you still get my point

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 28 Nov 2010 @ 8:27

929.11.2010 02:40
Unverified new user

Originally posted by stuntman_:
Sure it is cool for what it does ,but its no where near worth the price, and why would you buy it now? Apple is the most predictable company ever didn't you know the iPad 2 was right around the corner with all those added features? Or are you just going to support the apple machine a little more and buy that when it comes out as well? Apple intentionally leaves out features so you will buy the 2nd generation. I have played with both samsungs tablet and the iPad, they are pretty much the same thing except the samsung tablet has way way way way way more features. But the ipad sells better because it is advertised more and "looks" cooler. Also if you have an iphone3gs how can you justify getting an ipad at all? Its the same thing but with a bigger screen.
I will admit I haven't played with the Samsung tablet yet, yet from experience no other company has figured out the touchscreen interface as "perfectly" as Apple (of course improvements can be made across the board, but my friend's Samsung cell phone touchscreen is a huge piece of crap compared to the Apple's). Plus, what are these "features"? USB ports? I have wifi and can stream everything I need from my other pcs or use itunes (which I use anyway for my iphone and because it streams my music to speakers in different rooms around my apartment - using Apple's expensive hardware of course).

Like I said, I'm no Apple fanboy - but certain products they make are truly worth the extra money. And the real benefit is the apps - show me another company with an app store that has as many high-quality programs as Apple's, combined with better hardware with a better UI, and I'll buy it in a heartbeat. But I've done my research and the answer is that there isn't any (at least right now).

1029.11.2010 13:29

I was considering using an iPad for business on the go as it would be smaller than my laptop and more convenient but it doesn't have Microsoft Office and having Excel on the go is critical for me. When Office comes out for it then I'll buy the cheapest model with no hesitation.

1129.11.2010 15:00

the big difference between the ipad and the samsung tablet is that it is has the 2 cameras for video chat. Sure the ipad 2 will these as well but most likely it will only work on wifi (just like face-time) If the ipad 2 has all these features this article is talking about it might be better than the samsung tablet but as I said before why would anyone in their right mind buy the ipad 1 when the ipad 2 is just around the country with a plethora of added features

1230.11.2010 03:22
Unverified new user

Originally posted by stuntman_:
the big difference between the ipad and the samsung tablet is that it is has the 2 cameras for video chat. Sure the ipad 2 will these as well but most likely it will only work on wifi (just like face-time) If the ipad 2 has all these features this article is talking about it might be better than the samsung tablet but as I said before why would anyone in their right mind buy the ipad 1 when the ipad 2 is just around the country with a plethora of added features
But how is the Samsung's UI? Have you tried both? And you are absolutely right, buying the ipad 1 now would be plain stupid, I got mine a couple weeks after launch...and it's the wifi version with 16 GB's, so I didn't pay through the nose, and I can get the VAT back and write the whole purchase off as a business expense...all in all I use it frequently and look forward to seeing what new features the ipad 2 will have...probably won't get one though unless it is a big improvement

1330.11.2010 14:19

The samsungs UI is great! It runs off of a modified version of android which is a way better and more open OS than IOS4.

141.12.2010 05:15

Originally posted by stuntman_:
why would anyone in their right mind buy the ipad 1 when the ipad 2 is just around the country with a plethora of added features
Why would anyone in their right mind buy either iPad? iPad sales are just proof of mass insanity...not that Samsung's phone-less pad is much better...

153.12.2010 11:47

I agree that the iPad is great for watching videos (VLC app helps tremendously), Photos and playing games. The next version will be much more user friendly. The only drawback I see is the shiny reflective screen.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 03 Dec 2010 @ 11:49

168.12.2010 12:12
Unverified new user

Originally posted by ForwardThinker:
Originally posted by TBandit:
wow hard to beleive kids want these, I guess apple did a good job of advertising
You're obviously not very intelligent.
And you're obviously a delusional fanboy who would buy an iPoop if Apple sold it.

1713.12.2010 10:54
yo yo yo
Unverified new user

dear Apple,
please add a usb port to this device. i got the ipad 1 but i won't get the 2nd one if it doesn't have a usb port.

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