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One fifth of all mobile phones are illegal clones, says Nokia

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Jan 2011 1:23 User comments (10)

One fifth of all mobile phones are illegal clones, says Nokia According to Nokia, 20 percent of all mobile phones sold in the world are illegal clones, unlicensed copies that sell for a fraction of the cost of phones they are copying.
The world's top mobile phone maker says the "gray market" is killing their positions in emerging markets like South America and parts of Asia.

Says Nokia exec Esko Aho:
It is mostly China-originated, but it is global. It is not only in Asia, but also in Latin America and even in some parts of Europe.

Research firm Gartner agreed with the assessment in November stating that no-brand manufacturers now account for 20 percent of global sales. Other firms have said the number is much lower, closer to 5 percent.

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10 user comments

122.1.2011 05:08

once a time ago when i was little , my uncle bought me the best nokia on the market and he bought it from china on a trip , he gave it to me , me happy and all that , then i read the logo NOKLA


222.1.2011 08:27

personally i dont care if something is a clone aslong as it works properly.The problem with clones is most dont work as well as the proper product.if someone sold me a phone (for $10)exactly the same as mine and its worked 100% the same as mine i wouldn't care if it said nokla on it.

322.1.2011 09:42

Well that's what you get if you buy your phones from Wal-Mart! Everything in that store is made in China, clones or not.

422.1.2011 13:12

blueboy, were do you think your computer motherboard was made but in china.

522.1.2011 13:45

Maybe phone companies should stop overcharging for their phones. Really, is my tiny phone worth $500 (without a termed contracted)? My psp and netbook together are barely worth that amount.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 22 Jan 2011 @ 1:53

622.1.2011 13:54

But with a contract it is worth 10x more to them. The service costs nothing compared to labor which is where most of the price comes from but they are still making a good profit too as phones are not made in 10's of 1000's they are made in 100's of 1000's a week at 50 bucks each. The development costs more then the dam phone itself

723.1.2011 08:17

Originally posted by Zealousi:
But with a contract it is worth 10x more to them. The service costs nothing compared to labor which is where most of the price comes from but they are still making a good profit too as phones are not made in 10's of 1000's they are made in 100's of 1000's a week at 50 bucks each. The development costs more then the dam phone itself
when it comes to labor wasnt there an article on here a few months ago saying that workers in taiwan making the iphone/ipads are earning $169 a month or around that price.apparently labor in china is around $2 per day.

823.1.2011 14:18

that article was to do with a motherboard manufacturer i think foxconn that was experiencing a high number of worker suicides. i think they upped the pay to $8-10 a day.

924.1.2011 06:52

Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
Originally posted by Zealousi:
But with a contract it is worth 10x more to them. The service costs nothing compared to labor which is where most of the price comes from but they are still making a good profit too as phones are not made in 10's of 1000's they are made in 100's of 1000's a week at 50 bucks each. The development costs more then the dam phone itself
when it comes to labor wasnt there an article on here a few months ago saying that workers in taiwan making the iphone/ipads are earning $169 a month or around that price.apparently labor in china is around $2 per day.
Your right because their suicide rate was too high. I guess that is a point but really you then have to take in shipping and marketing, sale and stores like there is not just a factory and that is the whole company then there is the paper pushers too.

But still their turn over is still huge from cutting costs and not paying for quality. But that is corporation for ya

1024.1.2011 14:57

How can 1.4 billion Chinese be wrong??????????

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