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New York Times gets 100,000 digital subscriptions in 20 days

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Apr 2011 5:29 User comments (2)

New York Times gets 100,000 digital subscriptions in 20 days In just 20 days since The New York Times raised its controversial pay wall, the newspaper has signed up 100,000 subscribers.
All online readers get access to 20 stories per month for free, and some free articles via the Time's mobile app. $15 gets you unlimited access to the site and the phone app. $20 gets you online access and unlimited use of the iPad app. $35 per month gets you unlimited access to everything the Times offers.

If you are a print subscriber, you have unlimited access to everything, as well.

The New York Times says the numbers "meaningfully exceeded expectations" but encouragement remains muted until retention rates can be calculated after the initial promotion period, which does include a starter trial at an introductory 99 cents.

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2 user comments

121.4.2011 17:58

lol what a joke, people have too much money, FYI everyone you can get the news for free from a million other places

229.4.2011 09:48

I've never understood why people would spend money on news they can get for free. It defies all logic.

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