AfterDawn: Tech news

Domains like '.apple' and countless others set for approval

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Jun 2011 10:18 User comments (9)

Domains like '.apple' and countless others set for approval ICANN is set to approve the biggest move in Internet domain awarding history, allowing brand owners to own their own brands on the web, like .apple, .microsoft and thousands of others.
Following a special board meeting tomorrow, the move is expected to be enacted.

Currently, there are 22 top-level domains such as .com, .org, etc, and 250 country-level domains like .ly (Libya) and .uk.

If enacted, the move will give major brands a better way to control their presence online, and give them better ways to add visibility to their sites in search results. If it is approved this coming week, the window to apply will start in January and last 90 days.

Applications cost $185,000 and the applicant must have full proof of claim to the name they are purchasing.

Cities are also expected to partake, with some examples given like .nyc and .london.

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9 user comments

118.6.2011 23:33

Keep it short at least... Apple can use apl, Microsoft can use mcs, etc.

218.6.2011 23:55

I suppose they could use their Stock Market abbreviation? That would keep it nice & clean.

319.6.2011 00:48


419.6.2011 01:40

$185K per application? ICAAN is really abusing their powers now...they weren't exactly reasonable before...but now they are intentionally preventing small businesses and non-profits from have the same rights as huge corporations? ICAAN is setup as a non-profit; that is the only reason they were given these powers. There is no way they were spending the money they were charging before, and now they are essentially taking $185K bribes in public to break the rules that they are there to maintain?

519.6.2011 05:53

ICAAN has cheezburger?

619.6.2011 06:43

Originally posted by nonoitall:
ICAAN has cheezburger?

719.6.2011 07:45

Originally posted by KillerBug:
$185K per application? ICAAN is really abusing their powers now...they weren't exactly reasonable before...but now they are intentionally preventing small businesses and non-profits from have the same rights as huge corporations? ICAAN is setup as a non-profit; that is the only reason they were given these powers. There is no way they were spending the money they were charging before, and now they are essentially taking $185K bribes in public to break the rules that they are there to maintain?
It's incredible isn't it?

Thing is, although I can see the benefits for companies I can also see some downsides here. Like inexperienced users who come onto the net looking for a particular company's site might just assume everything ends with ".com" and have no clue about search engines, so just go "I want a microsoft product. It must be Microsoft . com".

Though I guess because they are large TNCs in the first place they can afford a redirection service. Which extends the pisstaking of the point made in your post KB.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 19 Jun 2011 @ 7:46

819.6.2011 11:48

@KillerBug & ST2006...

Now I really am going to hurl... this sounds like a bad joke! It would be like the FCC back in the day taking money for allowing one of the major 3 to use "profanity" without any major penalty (that's the best example I could come up with for a reverse thinking example).

I mean this is like the televangelist hording dollars for Christ; there's water slides, hookers & blow and I damn sure know Christ didn't get a dime of it.

Knowing now there's a $185K price tag!!! Excuse me! That's just an application! You might not even get the damn thing. Now that really is a scam! Hell my fledgling studio will have to stay with it's ghetto web name now, if I can even get it.

919.6.2011 19:21
Unverified new user

get ready for clownpenis.fart... finally!

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