AfterDawn: Tech news

Google+ on pace to reach 20 million users by this weekend

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Jul 2011 10:32 User comments (2)

Google+ on pace to reach 20 million users by this weekend According to analysis from founder Paul Allen, Google's Google+ social network will hit 20 million users by this weekend.
Allen says the 10 million mark was hit Tuesday afternoon, and the overall user base has increased 350 percent in the last 6 days.

Using "surname-based analysis," Allen used U.S. Census Bureau data about last name popularity and compared it to Google Plus users with the same last name. The researcher used similar tactics for the international markets.

RWW explains that "Allen used a sample of 100 to 200 surnames to estimate the total percentage of the U.S. population who has signed up for Google Plus. He then used that number and a calculated ratio of U.S. to non-U.S. users (one U.S. user for every 2.12 non-U.S. users) to generate his worldwide estimates."

On July 4th, the model had user count at 1.7 million, and by July 9th that had jumped to 4.5 million.

Google+ is available to all Gmail users, and on Android. An iOS app is awaiting Apple approval.

For more general information on Google+, check here: The Google+ project targets Facebook

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2 user comments

114.7.2011 13:05

If anyone still needs an invite, just PM me your email...

217.7.2011 09:23

I can't figure out why people are raving about google+ compared to facebook it's extremely plain.

There's very little in it.

Once you've done the circles bit your've pretty much done everything you can do on google+

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