BusinessInsider conducted a poll of over 2000 readers asking what they would do with their subscription and an overwhelming 52 percent say they will cancel.
29 percent said they will move to streaming only.
The full poll:

Corporate suicide. Plain and simple.
People like DVD's, it doesn't matter how much Netflix wants us to believe streaming is better. Their streaming will never beat the HD picture and sound of a blu-ray. And even when it will come close the Internet providers will make sure to bandwidth cap the service into something you can't use anyway.
Netflix is burning the candle at both ends and sitting on a ticking time bomb, they want to do away with DVD's and go all streaming.....but ISP's are capping bandwidth to keep you from using Netflix and instead using OnDemand services. By time Netflix does away with DVD's their streaming service will be choked off too and the business will die.
They are playing a very dangerous game, I think they are going to ultimately lose. And raising prices %60 when people have a lot of options is just pure stupid. If they were the only option to rent movies, a full on monopoly they could pull it off....but they are not.
this company just copying blockbuster. at least with blockbuster, they get the new releases same day as the dvd goes on sale rather than wait two weeks later to get new movies up for rent.
I just signed up with Redbox. It cost me $1.52 for a Blu-Ray.
Since I only watch DVD's maybe a couple times a month,it makes more logical sense to me then kissing Netflix's ass. The Kiosk is less than a mile from where I live.
Goodbye Netflix, I was a member since 1996 until four months ago.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
On Demand services for cable (my particular service) sucks as well & I have a premium internet service; which shouldn't matter seeing as the 'demand' service is non-reliant on the internet service anyway. I've done a bit of the Hulu action and a couple of the other streaming options on line, and while at the moment their 'OK' they're not good quality & pretty much good for just catching what you missed when the original broadcast went out.
A couple of my buddies have a Roku & my father want's to really jump on the internet television 'thing' with a vengeance. Why, I don't know because he refuses to spring for a healthy DSL line (he barely has the 756) so how he's going to enjoy it is beyond me. He's capping himself before the ISPs get him anyway.
People aren't stupid & still want a quality product once they know what to look for. Streaming ain't it. Sony now has their meat hooks in the mix & you can see this company go down the tubes soon enough as well.
Originally posted by Jeffrey_P:Netflix wasnt started until 1997!
I just signed up with Redbox. It cost me $1.52 for a Blu-Ray.
Since I only watch DVDs maybe a couple times a month,it makes more logical sense to me then kissing Netflixs ass. The Kiosk is less than a mile from where I live.
Goodbye Netflix, I was a member since 1996 until four months ago.
Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I was one of the original members.
Why question me?
Netflix was right down the road from me when I lived in Redwood City, CA.
facts are facts, goodbye Netflix. Netflix was a small budding outlet for DVD's. They didn't have the pressure the movie industry puts on them now.
It's all about the money honey.
It used to be fun, now it is labor intensive.
Originally posted by Jeffrey_P:Did you know someone in the company? Because they didn't even accept subscriptions until 1999.
I was one of the original members.
Why question me?
Netflix was right down the road from me when I lived in Redwood City, CA.
facts are facts, goodbye Netflix. Netflix was a small budding outlet for DVD's. They didn't have the pressure the movie industry puts on them now.
It's all about the money honey.
It used to be fun, now it is labor intensive.
Yeah facts are facts, that was my point.
The main attraction to netflix is you can order from home with no late fees. Kinda the opposite of Redbox.
What can I tell you?
Stop trying to cover Netflix, Netflix employee.
The day I found out about Netflix I jumped onboard.
It wasn't 1999.
I hope Netflix loses at least 50% of their user base.
Originally posted by Jeffrey_P:Facts are facts. You couldn't have jumped on board before 1999 if there was no possible way for you to do so. As was stated, they did not start accepting subscriptions until 1999. You're not special. This is the fourth time in this thread and another that you stated you have been a member since 1996. Do you feel that you are entitled to something?
What can I tell you?
Stop trying to cover Netflix, Netflix employee.
The day I found out about Netflix I jumped onboard.
It wasn't 1999.
I hope Netflix loses at least 50% of their user base.
Originally posted by carlvo:What? No not at all. I was close to there operation logistically.
Originally posted by Jeffrey_P:Facts are facts. You couldn't have jumped on board before 1999 if there was no possible way for you to do so. As was stated, they did not start accepting subscriptions until 1999. You're not special. This is the fourth time in this thread and another that you stated you have been a member since 1996. Do you feel that you are entitled to something?
What can I tell you?
Stop trying to cover Netflix, Netflix employee.
The day I found out about Netflix I jumped onboard.
It wasn't 1999.
I hope Netflix loses at least 50% of their user base.
If their full dvd/blu ray disc catalog is made available for streaming, I'll stay on as a streaming only customer. I have a netflix center near where I live so turn around time was never an issue but to pay for both with the shitty selection of movies that they have for streaming would be hella dumb! So, I'd just cancel and move to redbox or the blockbuster kiosks cause there's like four within walking distance.
Originally posted by Jeffrey_P:A 60% increase does not bother me as I will just simply cancel my membership. There is NOTHING about Netflix that I cannot easily live without. Especially with this price increase.
Originally posted by carlvo:What? No not at all. I was close to there operation logistically.
Originally posted by Jeffrey_P:Facts are facts. You couldn't have jumped on board before 1999 if there was no possible way for you to do so. As was stated, they did not start accepting subscriptions until 1999. You're not special. This is the fourth time in this thread and another that you stated you have been a member since 1996. Do you feel that you are entitled to something?
What can I tell you?
Stop trying to cover Netflix, Netflix employee.
The day I found out about Netflix I jumped onboard.
It wasn't 1999.
I hope Netflix loses at least 50% of their user base.
Seems Wall street loves the price increase because Netflix stock rose XX% this morning.
Do you like the possibility of a 60% increase?
Give it up man. I said nothing but the truth.
Netflix will probably walk away with a loss of 20%-30% of their overall customer base. As long as the company takes even a 25% hit in their wallet, they will feel a strain. They should have realized that even a small bump in price would anger some of their customers, but a 60% hike? Come on, that's just stupid.
Yes, just because Netflix doesn't have a return policy doesn't mean that it is not on customer hit list.
A lot of people just let the DVD sit around until they watch or just return it. Waste of money that Netflix took into consideration.
I'd rather be prompted by Redbox to watch and return.
Originally posted by No_ID:Why would they care if they lose 30 percent of their customer base? The other 70 percent will be paying 60 percent more.
Netflix will probably walk away with a loss of 20%-30% of their overall customer base. As long as the company takes even a 25% hit in their wallet, they will feel a strain. They should have realized that even a small bump in price would anger some of their customers, but a 60% hike? Come on, that's just stupid.
This is true!
Originally posted by DVDBack23:The big question mark though is growth. They may break even or even profit in the short run, but have these price increases scared enough potential new customers thus gimping long term profits? Time will tell. I'm sure a cost accountant who Netflix pays a good size salary has crunched some theoretical numbers they are willing to bet on.
Originally posted by No_ID:Why would they care if they lose 30 percent of their customer base? The other 70 percent will be paying 60 percent more.
Netflix will probably walk away with a loss of 20%-30% of their overall customer base. As long as the company takes even a 25% hit in their wallet, they will feel a strain. They should have realized that even a small bump in price would anger some of their customers, but a 60% hike? Come on, that's just stupid.
I've been a on board with Netflix since 2000. I'd heard about before but didn't try it, then a friend convinced me and I was hooked. I don't understand what the problem is. My bill will be $23.95 with 3 DVDs at a time + streaming. My family and I watch a lot of movies, DVD and streaming alike. So this is the most cost effective way for us to do that. I don't think I'm alone. My wife loves watching movies streamed through our internet HDTV, the grandkids stream through their laptops and Wii and PS3. The rest of us enjoy the actual DVD and special features.(Although they cut the special features on newer movies)I do, however, agree with the comment regarding putting the entire catalog on the stream. That's the only negative for me. Otherwise, love the service and I'll stay with them...for now.
Originally posted by YOBUZZB:I think the problem is they posted a $60 million profit last quarter and now Reed Hastings, Netflix's CEO, is saying in order to remain profitable the company needs to institute a 60% rate hike.
I've been a on board with Netflix since 2000. I'd heard about before but didn't try it, then a friend convinced me and I was hooked. I don't understand what the problem is. My bill will be $23.95 with 3 DVDs at a time + streaming. My family and I watch a lot of movies, DVD and streaming alike. So this is the most cost effective way for us to do that. I don't think I'm alone. My wife loves watching movies streamed through our internet HDTV, the grandkids stream through their laptops and Wii and PS3. The rest of us enjoy the actual DVD and special features.(Although they cut the special features on newer movies)I do, however, agree with the comment regarding putting the entire catalog on the stream. That's the only negative for me. Otherwise, love the service and I'll stay with them...for now.
Quote:@ Azuran
I think the problem is they posted a $60 million profit last quarter and now Reed Hastings, Netflix's CEO, is saying in order to remain profitable the company needs to institute a 60% rate hike.
Originally posted by ddp:Thanks for the update ddp.
posts deleted as is server issue not browser.
I'm sure you guys have seen blockbusters response to this:
It's a $9.99 1 disc at a time plan for former netflix users.
I know what your thinking... what? but netflix is going to be 7.99, marketing fail...
however, the 9.99 already includes bluray whereas that is STILL a $2 addon for the 7.99 DVD plan and it also includes games and new releases.
I'm going to try it out. I'm dropping my netflix down to streaming only and trying out BB.
Notes: the offer is good only till Sep 15, the 9.99 price is good until you cancel. you get 30days free upfront to try it out.
Originally posted by jam_k:I just signed up. Not sure if I will cut off my netflix; not sure about the blockbuster selection...but $15 for two PS3 games at a time? Gamefly is getting turned off!
I'm sure you guys have seen blockbusters response to this:
It's a $9.99 1 disc at a time plan for former netflix users.
I know what your thinking... what? but netflix is going to be 7.99, marketing fail...
however, the 9.99 already includes bluray whereas that is STILL a $2 addon for the 7.99 DVD plan and it also includes games and new releases.
I'm going to try it out. I'm dropping my netflix down to streaming only and trying out BB.
Notes: the offer is good only till Sep 15, the 9.99 price is good until you cancel. you get 30days free upfront to try it out.
Originally posted by Mrguss:Already read that.
"Netflix customers are angry birds"
Some Netflix alternatives:
Redbox just does not offer a good selection of movies...even netflix streaming does not offer enough titles, and they have about 1000x more titles than a doublewide redbox. If I wanted to be limited like that, I would just watch cable.
I might just turn netflix off all together...the streaming simply isn't ready for primetime, and it is too hard to find streaming titles that I want to watch since the last site makeover. I never thought I would be on blockbuster, but they seem to have forgiven the $3000 debt thay claimed I owed on a game I returned early, so I'll give them another chance. Now they just need to get good streaming...$3 per movie is a bit high.
[edit] just went down...probably more traffic than they were ready for.
I signed up for Blockbusters mail service and pay the exact same as i did on the 2 at a time+streaming on Netflix. However, instead of the added bonus of streaming crappy movies from the 80's, and direct to video garbage on Netflix I get Game rentals instead now. Duh, winning.
Netflix, blew it.
I transferred all but 39 Of 492 titles in my NetFlix queue to my Blockbuster queue. The NetFlix queue had 62 titles in it that were not available for streaming or on disk...Blockbuster has 39 of them, leaving 23 that neither blockbuster nor NetFlix have any form of. I am going to keep my NetFlix open for a couple more weeks to go through the 16 remaining titles that NetFlix has but Blockbuster does not...then I am shutting off NetFlix all together. The streaming might have been worth about $4 a month ago when it was working...but since they broke the browsing features, it isn't even worth that.
I am honestly amazed...I didn't expect Blockbuster to have a better selection that NetFlix.
Originally posted by KillerBug:Yes I noticed Redbox does not offer a huge selection.
Redbox just does not offer a good selection of movies...even netflix streaming does not offer enough titles, and they have about 1000x more titles than a doublewide redbox. If I wanted to be limited like that, I would just watch cable.
I might just turn netflix off all together...the streaming simply isn't ready for primetime, and it is too hard to find streaming titles that I want to watch since the last site makeover. I never thought I would be on blockbuster, but they seem to have forgiven the $3000 debt thay claimed I owed on a game I returned early, so I'll give them another chance. Now they just need to get good streaming...$3 per movie is a bit high.
[edit] just went down...probably more traffic than they were ready for.
No I don't like the price increase but I'll keep my 3 at a time plus streaming plan at least for now. Been a Netflix member since about 2000 or so.
I have blockbuster's 3 out at a time online for $19.99 w/ unlimited in store exchanges.. Its nice they include games with that but all new releases you have to wait atleast 3 months to rent them. I joined gamefly because of this.
Just heard on TV local news this morning that Blockbuster is offering "angry Netflix users" 1 Month of FREE rentals if you can prove you are a Netflix user by either showing your red DVD envelope or an email from Netflix.
Now that is a good incentive to switch over and forget about Netflix all together and let them become the next "Hollywood Video" and file for bankruptcy in the next upcoming years.
If anyone is writing a boo
Originally posted by fandr78:I'll probably go to a 3 or a 4 plan, I just want to make sure that the shipping is reasonably fast and that they actually have stock (they shipped the first 2 DVDs today...they were both over 100 in the queue, the first ~100 being obscure stuff. I can't help wondering if they actually have all the titles that they claim to have.
I have blockbuster's 3 out at a time online for $19.99 w/ unlimited in store exchanges.. Its nice they include games with that but all new releases you have to wait atleast 3 months to rent them. I joined gamefly because of this.
I'm not going anywhere :p My service dropped! And I see the option to save money, by dropping the streaming service. Though I may not. The kids enjoy it too much LOL! Netflix is gonna have to rape/milk me for a lot more money, before I cancel their service. I like receiving Blu Ray discs in my mailbox thank you very much ;)
If BB had integrated Streaming into consoles I believe they would have turned around earlier on. But now with so many physical locations closing down it kinda sucks they have such a great deal going on with the games offering...either way I too am going to cancel my Netflix and go back to BB as I'll just use my HTPC for streaming/on demand. Not a big deal.
Block Buster went the way of music stores. I don't think I can find a music store here and the BB down the street has been closed for months. The convince factor that people only need to get off their ass to go to the mailbox or streaming weighs in heavily
This article is wrong Netflix will only charge you $1 more on a given DVD plan for streaming so your poll is BS and means nothing. Get your fact straight first before setting up a poll.
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:i thought you were kidding with that old chart. You should check the date on that article Mr Movies, it was for November of last year, those "new" prices are the current prices.
This article is wrong Netflix will only charge you $1 more on a given DVD plan for streaming so your poll is BS and means nothing. Get your fact straight first before setting up a poll.
I must be looking at something wrong. My plan went down, and everyone elses went up :S
I'll prolly cancel myself. I looked for all the older harry potters on netflix instant stream and they didn't have any of them. You tube had them all and red box has all the new movies. So long netflix. It was good while it lasted.
Whatevs...streaming now. Once I decide I want blurays again, I'll quit Netflix and buy them used.
I've been a netflix user for a long time. Streaming is ok but after a few weeks we don't find anything to watch. Find ourselves watching junk just to use the service. Occasinally they have a blockbuster but after that it's bargin bin. I cancelled when they raised the price. back to Redbox. I watch what I want when I want. If I don't watch I don't pay. Later Netflix.
Redbox has very little to offer for movies so I would keep Netflix DVD program over Redbox anyday. I used Redbox for a month which limits me in Blu-ray selection and I've used them up they really have nothing to offer me. In fact One of the movies I wanted they only had in DVD and the quality was so poor that I didn't even watch the movie and returned it. I complained to customer service and since they didn't consider the movie bad I was just sol. Very irritating.
I agree Mr-Movies.
I have a buddy, that was getting frustrated with netflix dvd shipping. He expected to simply get movies when he had an open slot. I explained to him, that new releases are gonna be in high demand, and that he has to "Time" it right, to receive the new releases. E.g., for me, monday mornings they'll ship new releases provided I have open slots. If I miss that window, I'll likely be waiting weeks for a new release. People get frustrated when they don't get the movies they want, but they can't seem to figure out the loopholes :p
My initial reaction was frustration, but if you follow AD often, Netflix has been getting hammered by the content providers (ie. studios) for more and more of that almighty dollar. Starz is one example, plus they've been adding studios such as Miramax. That excites me as a consumer, because the back catalog is growing, plus it's cheaper than shelling out $12 or more for a premium cable/satellite channel when I can get Starz movies included with Netflix.
Now combine that logic with the Redbox theory. I too am a Blu-Ray renter. I can say shove it to Netflix and keep my $10 per month, and move to Redbox, where if I were to rent over 6 titles per month at $1.50 each, I would be paying more than I would for my Netflix subscription. However, I could save, maybe, a couple bucks by dumping the disc portion of my subscription and using Redbox.
Lost however is some convenience. I have a Redbox a walk away around the corner. Sometimes the titles are lackluster. Sometimes I have to stand and wait while someone keeps jabbing at the screen. When I do bring my movie home, I must watch it that night and return it the next day. Versus Netflix, I can dust off a title that's been sitting on my table for a few days, decide to shut it off and go to bed, and return to it later. Or I can go the Redbox route and pay $3 or better, as I would a regular video store, for a few days rental.
When it comes down to it, I guess I was spoiled. Sure, the increase doesn't make me happy, but when you compare, it boils down to a few dollars and simple convenience. I have some movies ready at my command and others a day away without leaving my home. Still not happy about the increase, but Netflix is still a great value through and through.
New releases do come from Netflix. Just got the Lincoln Lawyer in the mail today. Put it in the top of my queue & even though it said long wait I got it a few days later right after I turned in 3 DVD's. Not bad....
Originally posted by YOBUZZB:It's mostly a screw you to the people who don't have the money to jump the price
I've been a on board with Netflix since 2000. I'd heard about before but didn't try it, then a friend convinced me and I was hooked. I don't understand what the problem is. My bill will be $23.95 with 3 DVDs at a time + streaming. My family and I watch a lot of movies, DVD and streaming alike. So this is the most cost effective way for us to do that. I don't think I'm alone. My wife loves watching movies streamed through our internet HDTV, the grandkids stream through their laptops and Wii and PS3. The rest of us enjoy the actual DVD and special features.(Although they cut the special features on newer movies)I do, however, agree with the comment regarding putting the entire catalog on the stream. That's the only negative for me. Otherwise, love the service and I'll stay with them...for now.
My girlfriends and I had our taste buds set on Wolverine. Hulu didn’t have it when we looked, Netflix didn’t have it immediately available, but Blockbuster had it ready on DVD, Blu-ray and the video game on multiple consoles. This is only one reoccurring reason why I’ve stuck with Blockbuster for so long. Another reason is that they have recently lowered their prices and I’ve found through my job at DISH Network that they’re giving new subscribers 3 months free of Blockbuster. This includes in-store and mail-in services on DVD’s, Blu-ray’s, and video games. There’s no worry of late fees or commitment after the trial. Details are on DISH Networks site, but this may be the perfect crutch to help all those "angry birds."
Originally posted by SProdigy:You said much better than I! I do agree with you, totally. I do, however, wish that they would eat the cost and not raise their prices in the future. Wishful thinking!
My initial reaction was frustration, but if you follow AD often, Netflix has been getting hammered by the content providers (ie. studios) for more and more of that almighty dollar. Starz is one example, plus they've been adding studios such as Miramax. That excites me as a consumer, because the back catalog is growing, plus it's cheaper than shelling out $12 or more for a premium cable/satellite channel when I can get Starz movies included with Netflix.
Now combine that logic with the Redbox theory. I too am a Blu-Ray renter. I can say shove it to Netflix and keep my $10 per month, and move to Redbox, where if I were to rent over 6 titles per month at $1.50 each, I would be paying more than I would for my Netflix subscription. However, I could save, maybe, a couple bucks by dumping the disc portion of my subscription and using Redbox.
Lost however is some convenience. I have a Redbox a walk away around the corner. Sometimes the titles are lackluster. Sometimes I have to stand and wait while someone keeps jabbing at the screen. When I do bring my movie home, I must watch it that night and return it the next day. Versus Netflix, I can dust off a title that's been sitting on my table for a few days, decide to shut it off and go to bed, and return to it later. Or I can go the Redbox route and pay $3 or better, as I would a regular video store, for a few days rental.
When it comes down to it, I guess I was spoiled. Sure, the increase doesn't make me happy, but when you compare, it boils down to a few dollars and simple convenience. I have some movies ready at my command and others a day away without leaving my home. Still not happy about the increase, but Netflix is still a great value through and through.