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Verizon doubling data plans for smartphones at no extra cost

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 09 Nov 2011 5:26 User comments (9)

Verizon doubling data plans for smartphones at no extra cost According to Verizon CFO Fran Shammo, new and existing smartphone users will receive double the data limit they currently have, at no extra cost.
For example, if you are on the current $30 for 2GB plan, you will now have 4GB for the same price.

The promotion will run through the holidays, and is the equivalent of a "price cut," the first one Verizon has offered in a very long time.

Existing users will need to call in to be grandfathered into the higher data while all new contract users will automatically have it in their accounts.

Sharma notes that Verizon is using the promotion to "understand consumer behavior" and develop a pricing strategy going forward with LTE and data.

The deal will put Verizon well ahead of AT&T from a price standpoint, but still behind smaller carriers T-Mobile and Sprint, which offer unlimited data for $30. T-Mobile does throttle speeds down from 4G to 2G after 5GB, however.

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9 user comments

19.11.2011 20:07

Whats does this mean for people with unlimited data plans, does it mean that we won't be throttled until we hit the 4gb ? I am reluctant to call in as its seems they will try to take the unlimited option away and replace with 4gb plan, at least with the unlimited plan you don't have to worry about extra charges

29.11.2011 23:23

"Existing users will need to call in to be grandfathered into the higher data while all new contract users will automatically have it in their accounts."

Why the need to call in? Oh yeah, this probably won't be highly advertised by Verizon. It will probably be included in a pamphlet of legal jargon along with an upcoming bill. In other words, screw the customers already locked in, lets get more fresh meat.

39.11.2011 23:52

Originally posted by ID10Teror:
Whats does this mean for people with unlimited data plans, does it mean that we won't be throttled until we hit the 4gb ? I am reluctant to call in as its seems they will try to take the unlimited option away and replace with 4gb plan, at least with the unlimited plan you don't have to worry about extra charges
If you have unlimited data why would you call to begin with? The only reason I can see, is if you want to part with your unlimited as I doubt they would let you call in and get this deal but simply have it lay dormant on your account for when you are forced to relinquish your unlimited plan. However, for unlimited customers, if you think 4GB is sufficient, this might be worth jumping on for the simple fact sooner or later you will be forced to relinquish your unlimited data so why not jump at the chance to double the highest data plan they offer?

As for throttling of unlimited customers, I think thats a different topic all together. At this point in time I have not heard of any one on unlimited being throttled.

410.11.2011 00:00

Originally posted by Xplorer4:
Originally posted by ID10Teror:
Whats does this mean for people with unlimited data plans, does it mean that we won't be throttled until we hit the 4gb ? I am reluctant to call in as its seems they will try to take the unlimited option away and replace with 4gb plan, at least with the unlimited plan you don't have to worry about extra charges
If you have unlimited data why would you call to begin with? The only reason I can see, is if you want to part with your unlimited as I doubt they would let you call in and get this deal but simply have it lay dormant on your account for when you are forced to relinquish your unlimited plan. However, for unlimited customers, if you think 4GB is sufficient, this might be worth jumping on for the simple fact sooner or later you will be forced to relinquish your unlimited data so why not jump at the chance to double the highest data plan they offer?

As for throttling of unlimited customers, I think thats a different topic all together. At this point in time I have not heard of any one on unlimited being throttled.
I left verizon because I was being throttled about 1/2 through the month. My dad is stuck in his contract for another year (unlimited data plan), and he gets throttled about 1/4 through the month. NetFlix sucks up bandwidth.

510.11.2011 01:25

Originally posted by Xplorer4:
Originally posted by ID10Teror:
Whats does this mean for people with unlimited data plans, does it mean that we won't be throttled until we hit the 4gb ? I am reluctant to call in as its seems they will try to take the unlimited option away and replace with 4gb plan, at least with the unlimited plan you don't have to worry about extra charges
If you have unlimited data why would you call to begin with? The only reason I can see, is if you want to part with your unlimited as I doubt they would let you call in and get this deal but simply have it lay dormant on your account for when you are forced to relinquish your unlimited plan. However, for unlimited customers, if you think 4GB is sufficient, this might be worth jumping on for the simple fact sooner or later you will be forced to relinquish your unlimited data so why not jump at the chance to double the highest data plan they offer?

As for throttling of unlimited customers, I think thats a different topic all together. At this point in time I have not heard of any one on unlimited being throttled.
I think its only on 3g that they throttle unlimited data plans

610.11.2011 02:33

I went to their site and it says the plan is for 4G LTE phones only. It doesn't say if 3G phones are included in the plan. That sucks. I just got a IPhone 4 thru them two months ago. I will call anyway. Who knows? Might get lucky.

711.11.2011 11:08

I am on the phone with Verizon and they confirm that this promotion is only for customers with an LTE phone which obviously doesn't apply to the Verizon iPhones. Verizon actually tried to talk me into returning my brand new 64 GB Verizon iPhone 4S and getting a Verizon LTE phone. The interface and apps on the other phones, LTE or not, is crap compared to the iPhone. Verizon continues to overcharge its existing customers for data.

811.11.2011 12:24

Originally posted by nikonman:
.... Verizon continues to overcharge its existing customers for data.
what service provider doesn't?

917.11.2011 16:52
Unverified new user

Well its good enough to move my expired contracts from AT&T and TMO, I like double the data-use it to the extent. Although, verizon needs to take that stupid add that says " are customers use less less than 2 gb a month ", as we all know and see its way more than 2 gb a month. Also after speaking with verizon reps and seeing the people in the stores they are sucking it up- DBLE data that is. I feel bad for At&t and TMO -and Sprint can hold its own- I'm sure they have something up their sleeve for the last minute holidays. Enjoy, and remember- when your' looking your wallet or purse - tellem "the buck stops here"... happy holidays to all !

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