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Swiss government says downloading unauthorized music and movies will remain legal in nation

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 Dec 2011 4:07 User comments (14)

Swiss government says downloading unauthorized music and movies will remain legal in nation Concluding their study on piracy in the nation, the Swiss government says downloading unauthorized music and movies will remain legal, as the piracy actually pays for itself and does not cause enough damage to be made illegal.
The report says around 30 percent of all Swiss citizens have regularly pirated music, movies and games over the last 15 years.

However, says TF, "these people don't spend less money as a result because the budgets they reserve for entertainment are fairly constant. This means that downloading is mostly complementary."

Finally, the conclusion is as long as you are only downloading for personal use and not for monetary gain, you will be protected by the law.

Somewhat funnily, the study also says copyright holders should adapt to their present situation where piracy is a fixture.

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14 user comments

13.12.2011 17:31

I should probably move there and get away from the MPAA and the RIAA.

23.12.2011 17:32

Hell, it works for the banks over there so why not with movies and music too. The RIAA better take notice, as I can see this spreading to other countries because of popularity. If can't beat piracy, why not join them?

33.12.2011 17:34

Thank god the Swiss aren't brainwashed by America like most of the E.U. Good thing, we need a few sane places in this world

44.12.2011 00:04

This is how the law should be. It currently is in Canada, tho our prime minister would love to change that bill this month. Good for Switzerland.

54.12.2011 02:27

Somewhat funnily, the study also says copyright holders should adapt to their present situation where piracy is a fixture.
The history of computers goes something like this:

The inventors opened the doors and revealed the very first computer to the world. Five minutes later, somebody used it to copy something they weren't supposed to.

The two go hand-in-hand. Trying to prosecute the world for digitally reproducing anything is a fool's errand and will cause more problems than it solves.

64.12.2011 02:37

Time for me to learn a new language to make immigration easier...

74.12.2011 08:40

Originally posted by KillerBug:
Time for me to learn a new language to make immigration easier...
Make sure to download Rosetta.Stone.Swedish.CoReXX.torrent! Ha!
(disclaimer: not a real torrent)
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Dec 2011 @ 8:42

84.12.2011 10:19

Still would see something done about all that advertisement money being made, other than that go Sweden!

94.12.2011 13:44

Originally posted by ZippyDSM:
Still would see something done about all that advertisement money being made, other than that go Sweden!
You should really learn geography

104.12.2011 14:33

Originally posted by ChiknLitl:
Originally posted by KillerBug:
Time for me to learn a new language to make immigration easier...
Make sure to download Rosetta.Stone.Swedish.CoReXX.torrent! Ha!
(disclaimer: not a real torrent)
Obviously...there is no such thing as "Swedish". They mostly speak german.

114.12.2011 17:16

Doh!! I confused Switzerland and Sweden. Fail!


This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Dec 2011 @ 5:19

124.12.2011 17:37

Originally posted by ChiknLitl:
Doh!! I confused Switzerland and Sweden. Fail!

Is this your alternate personality Zip?

135.12.2011 08:44

Originally posted by DVDBack23:
Originally posted by ChiknLitl:
Doh!! I confused Switzerland and Sweden. Fail!

Is this your alternate personality Zip?
DOH!! it starts with an S thats close enough for me LOL

149.12.2011 09:21

Originally posted by blueboy09:
Hell, it works for the banks over there so why not with movies and music too. The RIAA better take notice, as I can see this spreading to other countries because of popularity. If can't beat piracy, why not join them?
The Swiss must not elect the same crooks the rest of the countries elect.

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