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New prepaid mobile service in US offers unlimited data for $45 a month

Written by Rich Fiscus @ 07 Dec 2011 2:03 User comments (2)

New prepaid mobile service in US offers unlimited data for $45 a month A new prepaid wireless service has just debuted in the US, offering smartphone plans with unlimited 3G data for $45 per month.
PrepaYd Wireless is a subsidiary of PrepaYd Inc, who offers prepaid debit cards under the Bank Freedom brand. Their wireless offering uses Sprint's network.

In addition to unlimited data, PrepaYd's plan offers unlimited calling within the US in addition to unlimited SMS and MMS messaging.

PrepaYd Wireless also sells a small selection of smartphones for use with their service. Being a prepaid plan, phone prices are higher than US consumers are generally accustomed to since they lack the significant subsidies offered by postpaid providers.

Initial offerings include two Android phones, the LG Optimus S for $75 and the Samsung Replenish for $150. Additionally there is the Windows Phone powered HTC Arrive for $400.

You can find more information on the PrepaYd Wireless website.

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2 user comments

17.12.2011 19:27

I Wonder if these unlimited plans with have the same fair use policies as in the UK where by the time they throw FAIR USE POLICY into the throw your unlimited data plan equates to 500MB-750MB.

28.12.2011 11:27

you'd be better off going with virgin mobile. its 35 dollars for unlimited data and they are using sprint too. only thing is their lg optimus s is 200 bucks. virgin only gives you 300 airtime minutes but that's really irrelevant when you can use voip with the right app anyway.

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