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CES: Asus unveils updated Transformer Prime with 1920x1200 display

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 10 Jan 2012 8:38 User comments (5)

CES: Asus unveils updated Transformer Prime with 1920x1200 display Today at CES, Asus has unveiled their next iteration of the Transformer Prime line of tablets, one that has a 1920x1200 resolution display.
The new Transformer Prime (model TF700) will have the same sized screen as its recently released brother, but with a high-density display that should "make the individual pixels difficult to see even with the screen inches from one's face."

Other than the resolution, the only other update to the consumer hardware is a 2MP front-side camera which will enable 1080p video chats. The current model has a 1.2MP camera.

Additionally, Asus has changed the chassis, "taking the spin out of the aluminum back panel and inserting a plastic strip that's supposed to improve Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS reception." The Prime, at least in review units, was panned for poor Wi-Fi reception. Asus was even forced to remove GPS from the Prime's spec sheet since it worked so poorly.

The updated tablet is coming in May with a $100 premium to current models, meaning $600 for 32GB and $700 for 64GB.

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5 user comments

110.1.2012 21:55

So, the Prime comes out just in time to return it. I love mine, but is it really worth keeping knowing they're releasing a "fixed/final" version within months?!

210.1.2012 21:59

It's not a "fixed" version. It is an improved model with a nice price increase!

310.1.2012 22:19

Saturated market at its best.

410.1.2012 23:43

id go with the new one...

511.1.2012 22:17

I don't know how anyone can think it's anything more than a fixed version. This announcement comes within a week of most pre-orders being filled for the Prime; Asus is still shipping it's first batches. This will be a rushed product where they simply repaired the Wi-fi and GPS issues, replaced the 1.2MP front camera with 2MP camera, and upgraded the screen to be capable of high resolutions of up to 1900x1200. The bottom line here is damage control, and I'm pretty disappointed in Asus. They had from late October until December 23rd to simply replace the alumminum back with plastic, or cut out a section in the back for a plastic Asus logo. I still wouldn't trade my Prime for any other tablet, especially an Ipad, but it's very frustrating.

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