AfterDawn: Tech news

Details leak for LG's new flagship, the X3

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 21 Jan 2012 3:15 User comments (2)

Details leak for LG's new flagship, the X3 Following the announcement of the Optimus Pad LTE, details have leaked for a high-end LG smartphone, their most powerful yet.
If accurate, rumors have LG unveiling the monster device at next month's Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona.

The LG X3 will run on a quad-core Tegra 3 CPU, have a large 1,280x720-pixel 4.7-inch display, run on Android 4.0.x, have dual cameras 8MP/1.3MP, 16GB internal storage, LTE and HSPA+ radios, NFC and a large 2000mAh battery. Additionally, the device will be relatively thin, at just under 9mm.

LG is one of the largest phone makers in the world, by volume, but its smartphones have not necessarily caught fire in the United States. Cnet speculates the new phone will hit the States in April or May.

Tags: LG Android x3
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2 user comments

121.1.2012 19:15

My experience with their previous "flag-ship" phone, the G2X, means that I will be passing on this. LG has lost me as a customer.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Jan 2012 @ 7:16

221.1.2012 22:37

im happy with my galaxy s2 right now but damn id love those specs

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