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Xbox Live adds HBO Go, MLB.TV and Xfinity TV

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Mar 2012 12:58 User comments (3)

Xbox Live adds HBO Go, MLB.TV and Xfinity TV

Microsoft is preparing to announce that Xbox Live owners will be getting access to even more TV and movies, via partnerships with HBO Go, Comcast's Xfinity TV and Major League Baseball's MLB.TV.
Each app will also be controllable with gesture or voice controls if you are using a Kinect device.

Microsoft recently noted that entertainment usage had actually surpassed multiplayer game usage on the Xbox 360.

MLB.TV will supply 2430 live games over the next baseball season, along with archives including all of last year's games. HBO GO, just like the desktop service, will bring HBO's entire catalog of original programming.

Xfinity, from ISP Comcast, is an on-demand TV service.

The Xbox 360 has 35 million Xbox Live users who pay for their subscriptions.

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3 user comments

127.3.2012 17:22

Still no Roku!!!!

231.3.2012 10:32

The title of this should read:
"Xbox Live owners will be getting access to PAY for even more TV and movies..."

If I have an HBO subscription that means I get it on my TV box. So I'm going to pay for an xbox Live membership just so I can access it on my xbox?

Crackle is nice. The selection is marginal but HEY you gave us something "free" for those who already have an XBL membership.

We pay for XBL, I'm not going to get excited about more storefronts on my xbox

331.3.2012 15:13

Originally posted by 8686:
The title of this should read:
"Xbox Live owners will be getting access to PAY for even more TV and movies..."

If I have an HBO subscription that means I get it on my TV box. So I'm going to pay for an xbox Live membership just so I can access it on my xbox?

Crackle is nice. The selection is marginal but HEY you gave us something "free" for those who already have an XBL membership.

We pay for XBL, I'm not going to get excited about more storefronts on my xbox
I recently dropped xbox live gold and returned to the free version. All this extra M$$$$ is BS. They rape you on the console, then the games, then ????? Most everything they are offering that I might be interested in I can already get for free with my HTPC.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 31 Mar 2012 @ 3:16

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