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Android takes over 50 percent share in U.S. market

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 03 Apr 2012 10:12 User comments (6)

Android takes over 50 percent share in U.S. market According to the latest figures from comScore, Android now controls over 50 percent of the U.S. smartphone market.
Up 17 points from last year, Android is now on 50.4 percent of all smartphones in America. The research firm says there are now 104 million smartphone users in the nation.

iPhone ownership has grown, as well, now taking 30 percent share, up 5 points from last year.

RIM, the maker of BlackBerrys, fell to 13 percent share, and Microsoft took 4 percent share. RIM has seen the largest decline over the years, falling from over 40 percent in 2008 before the launch of the iPhone to its 13 percent today.

Microsoft, with a new partnership with Nokia, is looking to take more share of the smartphone market and the Nokia Lumia 900 for AT&T is the group's first flagship for the U.S.

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6 user comments

14.4.2012 13:17

Yet the world would have you believe that the iPhone rules all!

Question: Why is it that when I go into a Wal-Mart I see entire isles devoted to the iPhone... and a small end-cap for Android?

Perception is everything. The iPhone has 1/3 and Android has 1/2.
Which one is dominant?

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Apr 2012 @ 1:19

25.4.2012 07:05

Originally posted by ThePastor:
Yet the world would have you believe that the iPhone rules all!

Question: Why is it that when I go into a Wal-Mart I see entire isles devoted to the iPhone... and a small end-cap for Android?

Perception is everything. The iPhone has 1/3 and Android has 1/2.
Which one is dominant?

Take protective cases for example. The latest iphone, one single case fits all of them.
But in the case of Android phones, that 50% of the market is made up of literally hundreds of different handsets, each with different sizes and shapes, so the case manufactors either have to make many different sizes - or, as it seems, they just dont bother.
So I think this is part the problem. WHen it comes to accessories, many shops just simply don't bother stocking all the differernt Android flavours.
When I bought a protective cover for my HTC Sensation, I had to look in many places before I found one. but like you said, there were numerous iPhone ones.

It's a bit like saying that 50% of all cars on the road are Toyotas. And 30% of all cars are Hondas.
But the Hondas are mostly all Civics, while the Toyotas are a mix of Camrys, Pruis, Corollas, RAV4's, etc etc
So if you were a used car parts salesperson, you would probably devote more shelf space to the Civic, and not worry as much about the many different Toyotas.


35.4.2012 08:59

Originally posted by ThePastor:
Yet the world would have you believe that the iPhone rules all!
No you believe iPhone rule all.

The world knows that iPhones are better and they are correct.

45.4.2012 10:26

Stastics don't lie, robertmro.

The reason for better 3rd party product support is that Apple can only support releasing one product at a time, and even their new product is almost always identical to the previous generation in outward appearance. The iPhone itself was revolutionary, but be sure and wake me up when Apple stops resting on the laurels of 5 years ago and comes out with something truly new or even innovative. The only thing new at Apple are lawsuits to more and more Android device manufacturers, which doesnt seem to be hurting the Android market share much, if at all.

Meanwhile look at the variety in everything Android, and that doesn't even include the 3rd party ROM developers. I'll take that and wait a couple months for a custom case over the humdrum same old iBore.

55.4.2012 20:27

Can't wait until the entire TV department is nothing but iPanel TV's!
So, when they get 10% of the TV market will they declare dominance?

66.4.2012 09:46

RIM forced their data plan down the throats of their end users for too long. Even when I had wifi and service provider's internet connectivity available at next to nothing cost there was no way I could access my email. Along comes Android. Allows me to do everything under the sky - almost - including Skype, WhatsApp chatting/messaging, international free VOIP, GPS, email and web browsing any way I want, at NO EXTRA COST! I switched to Samsung Galaxy and passed my BB on to my 94 year old mother who needs nothing more than a mobile phone for receiving calls from her children, grand children and great grand children spread across the globe!

No wonder RIM is dying.

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