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Part of Samsung Galaxy S III specs leak via Amazon

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Apr 2012 6:38 User comments (4)

Part of Samsung Galaxy S III specs leak via Amazon

While its launch is not for another week, it appears someone over at Amazon Germany has leaked at least part of the specs for the Galaxy S III device.
If accurate, the device will have a 4.7-inch Super AMOLED display, 16GB of storage, and a massive 12MP rear-facing camera.

The site lists the retail price at ?599, which is almost $800 USD, likely in-line for an unlocked, unsubsidized model.

Past rumors have the phone being powered by Android 4.x and a Samsung Exynos quad-core processor.

View the teaser trailer for the device here: Samsung subtly calls Apple fans 'sheep'

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4 user comments

123.4.2012 19:04
Unverified new user

awwwww lol

223.4.2012 20:11

Quadcore.....geez why don't they just optimize Dualcore and battery life. Ayayay

323.4.2012 22:01

damn thats awesome if true

425.4.2012 05:16

I heard 32 gig storage?

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