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450,000 Yahoo passwords leaked -- check if yours is amongst them

Written by Matti Robinson @ 12 Jul 2012 8:57 User comments (12)

450,000 Yahoo passwords leaked -- check if yours is amongst them

Today more than 450,000 login details for Yahoo have been leaked. A hacking collective that calls themselves D33Ds Company has taken responsibility of the breach.
D33Ds Company told Ars Technica that they used SQL injection technique for one of the Yahoo's subdomains. Their intention was to bring up the security concerns on subdomains.

The hackers posted all of the 453,492 plain text usernames and passwords for all to see. We won't be linking to the leaked list with passwords for obvious security reasons. However, we have gathered the list of affected email addresses and made a search that you can safely use to find out if your account is amongst the leaked. We do NOT store any of the passwords in the searchable database.

To see if you should be changing your passwords visit:

Tags: Yahoo! Yahoo
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12 user comments

112.7.2012 09:05

Thanks for the information.Yesterday I had to change my password thankfully it wasn't related to this problem.

212.7.2012 10:01

Whew, luckily mine wasn't one of them.

312.7.2012 12:03

For all those little things I do (or have to redo), thankfully this wasn't one of them...

And in return... THANKS AD!!! Had I not seen this article I would have not known this to be an issue!

Like me & the old lady - some people & places don't like to air their dirty laundry, I suppose.

412.7.2012 12:33

Yes thank you AD, and I am happy to know my email and password are safe. Well who really knows maybe they have more email and passwords but only released so many? I think if Yahoo does not fix this issue we will see more account and passwords released. I don't care much for Yahoo mail I always find you get spam even before you use your email. That's what my account with them is for, so I don't have to use my main email and get spam.

512.7.2012 12:42

Yes I know what your talking about there.Yahoo spam mail.

613.7.2012 07:47

where do you check?

713.7.2012 08:10

Originally posted by dmanpsp:
where do you check?
Bottom of the article where it says "To see if you should be changing your passwords visit:" and below that is the link.

813.7.2012 09:37
Unverified new user

I dont know why people still use Yahoo anyway

913.7.2012 11:48

Thanks! I actually received a copy of the list from another source, and did my checks. Thankfully mine was not amongst those compromised.

It is amazing to see how many people have really simple and easy-to-guess passwords! In this day and age, where your email address ties you in to all manner of services, people should really do better with their passwords!

1013.7.2012 13:09

I found the list and there is more like 739,853 leaked email and passwords. There are a lot of email addresses not from Yahoo!, there are several form Gmail, Hotmail and others in the list.

1113.7.2012 15:36

Pays to have more than one password :p I only use my Yahoo email for bogus registrations(so spam goes there), and craigslist. Looks like mine wasn't breached anyway :)

Thanks AD :D

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 13 Jul 2012 @ 3:36

1213.7.2012 17:41

Originally posted by efdfsdwfsdas:
I dont know why people still use Yahoo anyway
whats the difference?

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