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Apple products getting more popular with older consumers

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Aug 2012 6:29 User comments (6)

Apple products getting more popular with older consumers According to a new survey from YouGov BrandIndex, it appears that Apple is becoming more appealing to consumers aged 35 or older while becoming slightly less appealing to consumers aged 18-34.
YouGov uses its own "BuzzScore" to calculate results, and to do so it "surveys its poll-takers every day, with the simple question of whether a respondent has heard positive or negative news about a company." Tallying that figure gets the company's Buzz, its brand reputation in the USA.

Check Apple's most recent Buzz Score here below.

Apple reached a peak with the younger crowd in 2008, while older consumers continue to gain.

The move makes sense as Apple's most recent advertisements have been targeting new parents and professionals, many of which fall into the category of 35 years old or older.

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6 user comments

112.8.2012 20:14

I can see this. Apple products are usually the most ready to use out of the box without having the need to set up and tinker with a lot of settings and features to get things working.

212.8.2012 21:52

Originally posted by ZeusAV:
I can see this. Apple products are usually the most ready to use out of the box without having the need to set up and tinker with a lot of settings and features to get things working.
Have you ever gone through the process of creating an AppleID on a new iPad with someone that bought an iPad thinking all they needed to do was turn it on and use it right out of the box. There is quite a bit of tinkering to do and it is no different than going through the initial setup on a new PC except the fact that it is even harder for a person to type on an iPad than it is on a normal keyboard.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 12 Aug 2012 @ 11:38

312.8.2012 23:26

Yeah I use mine for a cutting board or sometimes a fly swatter.

413.8.2012 13:48

i dont think that i will ever be that old.

514.8.2012 05:31

dont know how it works in other places but over here we have free courses for old people to teach them how to use the latest crapple devices.

we also have courses to teach older people how to use computers.

617.8.2012 18:21

Over here we have classes to teach people how not to be smart-alecs!
I'm over 70 and teach other people how to use Apple iPad's and iPhones!

I love my Apple products and hate Android phones. Talk about crappy!
I guess that Android might make good anchors!

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