AfterDawn: Tech news

Hackers leak 1 million Apple device IDs stolen from FBI notebook

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 04 Sep 2012 7:48 User comments (36)

Hackers leak 1 million Apple device IDs stolen from FBI notebook The hacking group AntiSec has released 1,000,001 Apple Unique Device Identifiers (UDIDs) they say were taken from a hacked FBI notebook.
Altogether, the group says they have over 12 million IDs along with the personal information of the owners of the devices.

Reads the statement released by the group:

During the second week of March 2012, a Dell Vostro notebook, used by Supervisor Special Agent Christopher K. Stangl from FBI Regional Cyber Action Team and New York FBI Office Evidence Response Team was breached using the AtomicReferenceArray vulnerability on Java, during the shell session some files were downloaded from his Desktop folder one of them with the name of "NCFTA_iOS_devices_intel.csv" turned to be a list of 12,367,232 Apple iOS devices including Unique Device Identifiers (UDID), user names, name of device, type of device, Apple Push Notification Service tokens, zipcodes, cellphone numbers, addresses, etc. the personal details fields referring to people appears many times empty leaving the whole list incompleted on many parts. no other file on the same folder makes mention about this list or its purpose.

AntiSec says they are releasing the UDID to show the world that the FBI is likely using the information to track its own citizens. The group did cut out most of the personal data from its release, however, so users will have to search a bit for their devices in the list.

Strangely, AntiSec says it will not do any interviews until a male Gawker staff writer appears on the front page of the site wearing a tutu.

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36 user comments

14.9.2012 11:07

Within reason, EVERYONE may either have or have had an FBI file on them. I KNOW I have! Some of you guys typing in here have probably got a lengthy one piling up as we read right now.

You'll piss & bitch the "C" word & that I've lost my mind, but it depends on what verbiage you use that flags you into a person of interest.

Heated political discussions, comments on the president, anything on terrorism, you guys can do the math. All come up on a server as 'flags' worthy of concern to at least be 'looked at'.

It's how much of a crack pot to legitimate argument you make that they start keeping track.

24.9.2012 11:31

I don't even live in America, and I am so f**king disgusted by this. The governments continual need to watch & control our lives is sickening.

Over 200 years old and yet still so relevant:
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." – Thomas Jefferson

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Sep 2012 @ 11:49

34.9.2012 12:01

Originally posted by pensfan12:

Over 200 years old and yet still so relevant:
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." – Thomas Jefferson

But it was basically being stated for/by rich white guys who didn't want to pay taxes & were willing to let other poor white guys die for their beliefs. But I'm falling desperately off topic.

Plus, it's like I have said time & again, proven throughout history as truth, NOBODY is capable of controlling another living entity. You may be given the 'illusion' that you are, but that's all it is.

The only real thing you have control of is, is your own ass & the given situation you find yourself in. Master the one before the other & you'll have balance. Keep following the 'control' model & you'll get nothing but chaos & ulcers. And possibly shot in the back or your throat cut in the middle of the night.

44.9.2012 12:12

Let me clarify, EVERYONE in the US including the President has an FBI file. This practice has been going on long before the age of terrorism. However, I do agree that unless you're a convicted felon, the gov't has no business keeping track. Just my 2 cents.

54.9.2012 13:32

With best regards

George Orwell 1984

some countries of the socalled free world are on the right path to it

64.9.2012 14:35

That's why you need to STAY OFF THE GRID!!!!

74.9.2012 18:50

"Hey FBI Press Office we want to verify the authenticity of your latest press release. >>> RE: Apple, we are going to need access to your network." oh wait....

Call the FBI press office at 202-324-3691 and ask WHY an agents unsecured laptop contained +1 million apple users info. (Actually are 12 Millions)

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Sep 2012 @ 9:45

84.9.2012 19:38

Originally posted by Mrguss:
"Hey FBI Press Office we want to verify the authenticity of your latest press release. >>> RE: Apple, we are going to need access to your network." oh wait....

Call the FBI press office at 202-324-3691 and ask WHY an agents unsecured laptop contained +1 million apple users info. (Actually are 12 Millions)
Oh this makes me laugh. I work for a major corporation that will remain annoyn. but the funny thing on this part is that we aren't stupid enough to leave this crap unlocked. I'm sure he wasn't paying attention and someone took an opportunity. If it was me im sure i would have done the same thing.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Sep 2012 @ 7:39

95.9.2012 01:32

I wonder if the FBI are able to tell how many time people visit porn site on they cell phone?

105.9.2012 03:59

Originally posted by aeonstom0:
I wonder if the FBI are able to tell how many time people visit porn site on they cell phone?
It's the photos they took of you with your forward facing camera while you were viewing the porn site you should be worried about!
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 05 Sep 2012 @ 4:11

115.9.2012 12:01

Response from FBI? ahhh ahhh... ummm... (lie) propaganda ( Freedom) Terrorism )they should release the list

125.9.2012 18:14

Originally posted by SuikoNiNjitZu:
Response from FBI? ahhh ahhh... ummm... (lie) propaganda ( Freedom) Terrorism )they should release the list
Amusing to watch the FBI press team go from "TOTALLY FALSE" to "At this time there is no evidence..."

In other Priceless News:

:))) RE:

Release Day: Sept 28 2012.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Sep 2012 @ 6:24

136.9.2012 03:11

I find it quite interesting...

People here are shocked that the FBI may/do keep a track file on you

People here are worried about what the FBI and why they would keep track files on US people in the US.

Are trying to work out how they can stop the FBI from keeping a track file on them or how to get off one.

All the While completely forget that...

Antisec have hacked or gotten hold of a FBI laptop with the mobile IDs of 12 million US iPhones.

Couldn't careless about what the AntiSec group is doing with that database.

Not fussed about their mobile service being terminated at anytime without your own consent.

Haven't once given any thought to why they would want a Database with that info nor fussed about why they have released 1 million US iPhone ID freely out onto the net so anyone or phishing group can do what ever they like with the data about those 1 to 12 million iPhone IDs.

Quite interesting indeed.

No wonder people lose their Identities so easily in the US.

Probably why the FBI keep files in the first place so people can't forge other people's IDs within the US.

Just an Idea as to why they keep those track files.

147.9.2012 12:02

Can belive no one has brought up the fact upto fairly recently all the idevices were recording you location indefinately, its all for research purposes honestly.

Its not as if all modern smart phones can be subverted into highly sophisticated tacking and listening devices..

Personally im just waiting for the first speeding ticket because my mobile was reported doing 10 mph over the speed limit.

157.9.2012 12:32


Somebody should fix this.

167.9.2012 15:24

Originally posted by plazma247:
Can belive no one has brought up the fact upto fairly recently all the idevices were recording you location indefinately, its all for research purposes honestly.

Its not as if all modern smart phones can be subverted into highly sophisticated tacking and listening devices..

Personally im just waiting for the first speeding ticket because my mobile was reported doing 10 mph over the speed limit.
Feds: Your Cell-Phone's Location Data IS NOT Private:
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 07 Sep 2012 @ 3:25

177.9.2012 15:48

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Originally posted by pensfan12:

Over 200 years old and yet still so relevant:
"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." – Thomas Jefferson

But it was basically being stated for/by rich white guys who didn't want to pay taxes & were willing to let other poor white guys die for their beliefs. But I'm falling desperately off topic.

Plus, it's like I have said time & again, proven throughout history as truth, NOBODY is capable of controlling another living entity. You may be given the 'illusion' that you are, but that's all it is.

The only real thing you have control of is, is your own ass & the given situation you find yourself in. Master the one before the other & you'll have balance. Keep following the 'control' model & you'll get nothing but chaos & ulcers. And possibly shot in the back or your throat cut in the middle of the night.
Not true they throw you in prison and they control you. They decide what you can and can not buy and they control you. They say you can't discipline your kids or they will take them away and they control you. They say you can smoke but you can't smoke outside or in a public place, they control you. They say large sodas are bad so you can't buy one at a fast food and they control you. Need I go further?

The FBI shouldn't be snooping on us like they are. It use to be against the law but since the government and law is so powerful they can get away with whatever they wish, and do. There is no reason this asshole agent should have all of that personal information on his system and worst yet to let it be leaked!

1984 definitely!

187.9.2012 16:25

They say large sodas are bad so you can't buy one at a fast food

And make more money for the corporations because people buy 2 instead of one... I haven't heard of anything the government has done that was good for the country in many years.

Has anyone asked if apple gave the government those numbers and did they ask for a warrent? I doubt the government is the only guilty party here, but who knows, I certainly don't. And I can't think of any good reason why these should be on a laptop. Allowing someone to download the personal information for up to 12 million people to their laptop is beyond stupid, but we are talking the government here, and they do seem to be trying to take out a monolopy on stupid.

197.9.2012 18:07

the governments new response to the freedom of speech and liberty

is " FOR THE GREATER GOOD " and as Jo Average we cant win their propaganda machine always has an answer

the thing is Corporations have got to powerful and they now are the puppet masters using different governments in different countries to do their bidding and spread paranoia about things so the the sheep in the street think we need to be spied on to "Protect Us" as if control the masses is what they need starting with the internet eg. Hollywood / Kim Dotcom saga

208.9.2012 06:33
Unverified new user

Does it have passwords with those usernames...if not it's pretty useless.

218.9.2012 21:46

Apple is not going to like this. It will probably sue FBI for COPYING...

229.9.2012 04:59

what the government does is collect data.if people object they throw words around like terrorism to scare people and make people think its a good idea people are being monitered incase someone is actually planning something.I dont have a problem if the government wanted to moniter me (im not a criminal) my problem is what happens to the info and who has access to it and who moniters the people monitering the people.

FBI should of protected the data.I dont actually know whats in the data but im guessing there is personal info that shouldnt be made publically available.

239.9.2012 15:35

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Not true they throw you in prison and they control you. They decide what you can and can not buy and they control you. They say you can't discipline your kids or they will take them away and they control you. They say you can smoke but you can't smoke outside or in a public place, they control you. They say large sodas are bad so you can't buy one at a fast food and they control you. Need I go further?

The FBI shouldn't be snooping on us like they are. It use to be against the law but since the government and law is so powerful they can get away with whatever they wish, and do. There is no reason this asshole agent should have all of that personal information on his system and worst yet to let it be leaked!

1984 definitely!

Not so in return sir! Even though you may be incarcerated, your thoughts are still your own, what you do in your cell are still your own actions. Your amount of willingness to cooperate while incarcerated is still your decision... Again, you speak without thinking, thus proving my point, YOU aren't even in the basic control of your own person.

I may discipline my kids, but I only control the situation in which they're behavior decides the outcome. I grew up in a disturbingly abusive household & should have been an axe murderer, but through proper training outside my nuclear hell hole, "I" took control of my surroundings & "MY" situation & prosper today.

Take a large thermos into an establishment & fill it up. Are they going to refuse the service? I think not. Establishments are going back to smoking in doors again, reversing what was. So yes, I can go on.

Don't tell me at any point anyone CAN'T take control of a situation.Thus, rendering your examples null.

However, it doesn't reverse any agreement that a singular FBI agent should be strolling around with a laptop with a few million phone identifiers on it.

I would really like to know what the hell happened to all the laws governing the US against spying against its own citizens.

2410.9.2012 22:58

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Not true they throw you in prison and they control you. They decide what you can and can not buy and they control you. They say you can't discipline your kids or they will take them away and they control you. They say you can smoke but you can't smoke outside or in a public place, they control you. They say large sodas are bad so you can't buy one at a fast food and they control you. Need I go further?

The FBI shouldn't be snooping on us like they are. It use to be against the law but since the government and law is so powerful they can get away with whatever they wish, and do. There is no reason this asshole agent should have all of that personal information on his system and worst yet to let it be leaked!

1984 definitely!

Not so in return sir! Even though you may be incarcerated, your thoughts are still your own, what you do in your cell are still your own actions. Your amount of willingness to cooperate while incarcerated is still your decision... Again, you speak without thinking, thus proving my point, YOU aren't even in the basic control of your own person.

I may discipline my kids, but I only control the situation in which they're behavior decides the outcome. I grew up in a disturbingly abusive household & should have been an axe murderer, but through proper training outside my nuclear hell hole, "I" took control of my surroundings & "MY" situation & prosper today.

Take a large thermos into an establishment & fill it up. Are they going to refuse the service? I think not. Establishments are going back to smoking in doors again, reversing what was. So yes, I can go on.

Don't tell me at any point anyone CAN'T take control of a situation.Thus, rendering your examples null.

However, it doesn't reverse any agreement that a singular FBI agent should be strolling around with a laptop with a few million phone identifiers on it.

I would really like to know what the hell happened to all the laws governing the US against spying against its own citizens.
You don't get it just because you can think whatever you want that doesn't make you free and doesn't mean someone isn't controlling you.

Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
.I dont have a problem if the government wanted to moniter me (im not a criminal) my problem is what happens to the info and who has access to it and who moniters the people monitering the people.
You don't have to be a criminal to be labeled one or setup as one if the government wished it so. Maybe you become a fall guy to cover up something they are doing that is not above board. Odds are it would never happen but it can and does. The more info they have on you the more power they have over you. Also if you are not a criminal why are they collecting info on you? What's the point?? Unless there is a agenda that isn't above board!
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 10 Sep 2012 @ 11:02

2511.9.2012 07:29

i honestly dont know if the fbi would be keeping info on me as im not american and dont live in america.
I have however met an australian government worker who can pull just about an info she wants regarding me including 200 or so pages of mental health records,court records,school reports,immigration records,she can also gain a list contacts of anyone ive met in the last 28 years.
The australian government would have info on me as im mentally ill and possibly dangerous if i was to stop taking my medication.

2611.9.2012 10:19

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
You don't get it just because you can think whatever you want that doesn't make you free and doesn't mean someone isn't controlling you.
And then you truly are blind & naive. You are a complete slave to your system & can never walk away, forever bound by the laws of (fill in your blanks). You would be the type of man to blame your children for holding you back from going back to school to further/finish to get a better job. You'd let your parents dictate "family values" as a foreboding menace over your head as to why you shouldn't follow your dream as apposed to "doing what you're supposed to do".

You see, by your definition, there's no such thing as second chances, a "I'll try again" or a Next go around. You sir, see walls, I see obstacles. You won't even test to see what the wall is made of, while if I can't go through it - I may simply have to waltz around it.

You sneer & joke at the poor bastard that keeps showing up asking for the same job week after week, month after month. I see a man with guts & determination who'll give me more than 'you' will.

It's NOT THAT SIMPLE, you may cry... to that I retort, yes... it is. The con man ALWAYS makes the trick look complicated. It's the complex fluttering hand, full of motion & wonder that has all your attention as the hand other simply reaches out takes your wallet & puts it in his pocket.

Once the MYSTERY of how things are done is removed, the world becomes a less foreboding place.

Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
i honestly dont know if the fbi would be keeping info on me as im not american and dont live in america.

Unless you had a blog or web site dedicated to defeating the "American" way of life, some kind of racist doctrine that promoted eradicating said race or actively promoted fast food style access to terrorist training/radical doctrine OR were constantly hopped up on some meth high blathering on about shooting the president; then no you wouldn't be a person of interest in this country.

2711.9.2012 13:24

lord russ what your saying makes me think of a video.10 people go to a place for a job interview an hour passes a couple of them leave more time passes they all leave 1 by 1 and at end of the day 1 person is left and gets the job.

2812.9.2012 12:30

Originally posted by xboxdvl2:
lord russ what your saying makes me think of a video.10 people go to a place for a job interview an hour passes a couple of them leave more time passes they all leave 1 by 1 and at end of the day 1 person is left and gets the job.
I'm not sure if that is polite criticism or concurrence? But I thank you for your candor as I think that's the first time in a while that anyone has actually dis agreed (if that's where we're gong) in what I'd deem a professional manner in quite some time.

To which I would retort; I too have been in that video/movie many times. But as Mr. Movies would have like to argue, we would be under 'their control'. No hope of swaying their decision. All choice is left to their devices alone, right?

I say wrong. Here's how. I would be virtually first in line at these kind of cattle calls. We all have. Entertainment is rife with them. But armed with my resume, I would have a medium sized envelope with a blank card inscribed with a message inside, signed & completely sealed waiting with me as I entered the door.

As people would come in I would gallantly allow 4-5 people go before me, no fear whatsoever on my face show. On that 4th or 5th person, in a commanding voice, I would tell them (not ask) to deliver the envelop to whomever is conducting the interviews. Upon delivering my instructions, I'd do an immediate about face & return to my seat & go about my business in my briefcase.

Obviously mass confusion would be astir in the waiting area after this little charade. But to simply jump ahead & tell you what was on the card would be cheating. You see, my point is, I have already taken control of the entire of the entire interviewing process. You may argue that the interviewer will regain that - No, he/she won't. Not if YOU allow it. Be polite & professional, but YOU take control of the "situation".

I commanded the whole room, office, secretarial staff & human resources department & was about to take control of the guys the art department. HOW!?!

The card simple stated - "Concerned hiring staff: The individual you are seeking will be the last one in door today. I'm letting everyone go ahead of me." Followed by my signature. The interview consisted of sentences like, "Let's drop a bit of the idle chit-chat, There have obviously been "X" number of talented people coming in & out of the door, I'm the only one guaranteeing to spoiling you rotten..." To ending with, "We've all heard these kind of criteria time & time before, when are we going to get to work & make money/magic?"

THAT'S the difference in controlling one's situation, NOT having it controlled for them. A gun pointed at them is no different. Fear is a powerful thing, but not an excuse. Ask a mother in 'fear' for her child.

2912.9.2012 13:19

Originally posted by LordRuss:
To which I would retort; I too have been in that video/movie many times. But as Mr. Movies would have like to argue, we would be under 'their control'. No hope of swaying their decision. All choice is left to their devices alone, right?
Your paraphrase is making big assumptions and truly isn't what I said or implied! We have limited control of our lives and government is taking away more and more of our freedoms but that is not limited to government as employers are following suit as well if you want to go there.

3013.9.2012 09:41

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Originally posted by LordRuss:
To which I would retort; I too have been in that video/movie many times. But as Mr. Movies would have like to argue, we would be under 'their control'. No hope of swaying their decision. All choice is left to their devices alone, right?
Your paraphrase is making big assumptions and truly isn't what I said or implied! We have limited control of our lives and government is taking away more and more of our freedoms but that is not limited to government as employers are following suit as well if you want to go there.
we have control over our lives.The government is trying to limit our freedoms yes but by co-operating you allow it.employers try to control employees and most are too easily replaced so fear speaking get to a point where you are needed and cant be easily replaced you will be able to bend and manipulate the rules.

3116.9.2012 11:56

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Your paraphrase is making big assumptions and truly isn't what I said or implied! We have limited control of our lives and government is taking away more and more of our freedoms but that is not limited to government as employers are following suit as well if you want to go there.
I pity you sir. You live in the very fear that 'your' government has expected you to be live in and therefore now controls YOU. I don't live in that or ANY fear. Having already died once, what else is there to fear.

As my drill instructors told me, "Fear is nothing but pain leaving the body. It it hurts that much you must have had a a shit load of fear."

I stopped assuming back when I was a teenager, some 30+ years ago. Therefore I don't ASSUME your pain. ALL of us have control, but like you, refuse to get off our collective dead asses & make a marked, physical, hands on correction. Whining at me on a keyboard, opining rhetoric doesn't count.

It is 'exactly' your implication, it is 'exactly' what you said. Otherwise, to be vague leaves you open for interpretation, thus room for escape; i.e., non committal to your original statement. Which either makes you outright wrong or weak in your faith of it structure of your original convictions.

I have faith in 'me', not in you. Not until you prove it. Your statements alone leave me with the feeling that even you don't value your own decision making processes 70% of the time. Until you have faith in your own self, you'll never have faith in any system whatsoever. No matter how simple.

3216.9.2012 12:03

Ohh the flames, cant you both just agree to disagree? :-)

3316.9.2012 12:58

Originally posted by plazma247:
Ohh the flames, cant you both just agree to disagree? :-)

Sure... I've been wrong on many occasions. Thus, I seek self improvement so as to not make the same mistake repeatedly, therefore keeping the mistake from becoming stupidity :)

3516.9.2012 20:03

Originally posted by LordRuss:
Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Your paraphrase is making big assumptions and truly isn't what I said or implied! We have limited control of our lives and government is taking away more and more of our freedoms but that is not limited to government as employers are following suit as well if you want to go there.
I pity you sir. You live in the very fear that 'your' government has expected you to be live in and therefore now controls YOU. I don't live in that or ANY fear. Having already died once, what else is there to fear.

As my drill instructors told me, "Fear is nothing but pain leaving the body. It it hurts that much you must have had a a shit load of fear."

I stopped assuming back when I was a teenager, some 30+ years ago. Therefore I don't ASSUME your pain. ALL of us have control, but like you, refuse to get off our collective dead asses & make a marked, physical, hands on correction. Whining at me on a keyboard, opining rhetoric doesn't count.

It is 'exactly' your implication, it is 'exactly' what you said. Otherwise, to be vague leaves you open for interpretation, thus room for escape; i.e., non committal to your original statement. Which either makes you outright wrong or weak in your faith of it structure of your original convictions.

I have faith in 'me', not in you. Not until you prove it. Your statements alone leave me with the feeling that even you don't value your own decision making processes 70% of the time. Until you have faith in your own self, you'll never have faith in any system whatsoever. No matter how simple.
Truly I pity you my friend and you'll never get why? Too bad of course and I didn't expect you to get it either but so is life when you think you are on the top of the hill! :)

3617.9.2012 16:58

Originally posted by Mr-Movies:
Truly I pity you my friend and you'll never get why? Too bad of course and I didn't expect you to get it either but so is life when you think you are on the top of the hill! :)
And so is the duality of man. It's not really nature's 'way' for me to 'get you' or the other way around for that matter. I just have a negative opinion/feeling when it comes to good folks being put down upon or being treated badly. Even when they do it to themselves.

And yes, I do get your side of the story. That's why you think my attitude has me supposedly 'dancing upon the top of the mountain'; when in fact, I'm still climbing it just like everyone else. I just happen to be a little further up it instead of under it. Given my age & physical condition these days, some would say I'm actually 'over it'. ;)

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