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Nintendo prices Wii U in Japan at $338, or higher

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Sep 2012 10:20 User comments (7)

Nintendo prices Wii U in Japan at $338, or higher

Nintendo has revealed it will release the Wii U console on December 8th in Japan.
The company will sell two models of the system, starting at 26,250 yen ($337 USD) for a base model and 31,500 yen ($405) for a premium variety.

In the base model, the console will only have 8GB internal storage while the more expensive version will feature 32GB and additional stands for the tablet controller.

Those looking to buy an additional GamePad tablet controller will have to pay up, with the touchscreen remote costing 13,000 yen ($167).

The controller allows gamers to complete certain in-game tasks while the main action continues on the big screen. For example, gamers may be able to switch weapons, check maps, or change inventory items from the tablet while still fighting enemies on the TV.

Additionally, you can keep playing a game on the tablet when you have to leave the room with the TV in it.

Nintendo's president, Satoru Iwata, added that the console would launch with the New Super Mario Bros U.

Tags: Japan
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7 user comments

113.9.2012 10:23

Oh dear, pricey pricey (esp those add controllers).

213.9.2012 11:26

Those controllers are SO clunky... I smell turkey.

313.9.2012 23:46

Considering it is a two-handed controller with a stylus, and that it has a second screen to look at while viewing the primary screen, I doubt it is designed for you anyway. Their target audience obviously has two heads and 3 (or more) hands that are shaped nothing like those of a human. Shipping to wherever these creatures live must be very expensive.

414.9.2012 06:08

I think this is a bold move by Nintendo to do something different and innovative ... I really hope it does well :)

514.9.2012 09:12

Originally posted by h0g1e:
I think this is a bold move by Nintendo to do something different and innovative ... I really hope it does well :)
I will agree it is a bold move, but I certainly hope making uncomfortable controllers does not catch on...the last time they made a rectangular controller it caused many cases of carpal tunnel syndrome in children.

616.9.2012 23:45

I have been doing research on the WIIU and right now Nintendo has a lineup of many 3rd party developers and are now providing the same hardcore games that previously existed exclusively on the other two systems but now with revolutionary controls that are not gimmicky and as or more sophisticated like Kinect.

Remember, it was the 3rd party developers that made the original NES, SNES, and the Gameboy extremely successful, and when Nintendo lacked these 3rd party developers every home console that Nintendo had produced ever since were mediocre until possibly now. I guess Nintendo has finally come to realize that not allot gamers are excited anymore with their franchise character games and want more hardcore games in which it seems like Nintendo and 3rd party developers are going to provide for the WIIU. Furthermore, Nintendo won't be charging $700 like Sony did with their PS3 at launch. And not only is the WIIU a better system to boot, it comes with a tablet that might revolutionize the whole gaming experience as we know it!

I have read that the specs of the WIIU are much better than PS3 and 360 by far, thus making the WIIU truly a next generation machine unlike Nintendo's fad driven WII which had last gen graphics, lacked 3rd party licensees and thus had crappy games, which made this system a great book end.I have spoken to people who have played the WIIU and they were blown away.

I own a PS3 and though the graphics on the 360 are a bit better, the Bluray was a selling point for me. I do have a WII, but I only find value in it for what it was not meant to do.

I will be receiving the Black Edition of the WIIU on 11/18! It was great luck that I was able to be one of the first to order one at my local Gamestop. The WIIU exclusive "Batman Armored Edition" graphically looks awesome, and with the WIIU tablet, it seems to operate as a Batcomputer device from those whom I talked to that played it, and what I have seen in gameplay videos.

Will the WIIU be another dust collector like its predecessor...who knows, but with plenty of 3rd party developers taking interest in the WIIU, this console might end up being one of the most sought after for electronics devices this and next year. Only time will tell. But if my gamble is right, there will be many consumers who once scoffed at the system will be soon changing their minds and now wanting one and having to check for store deliveries at the local computer/electronic stores on a weekly basis and probably just be able to get the cheaper and less popular "white edition" instead. For those who will want but miss out on the black elite edition, it will probably take more than 6 month to a year to get one!

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 16 Sep 2012 @ 11:52

716.9.2012 23:56

Do you work for Nintendo? lol

Anyways let us know with an un-biased opinion once you have the console for a while and have had time to test it against your PS3 :) While I don't buy gaming consoles, I would be interested to see how an interesting concept like this will work.


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