AfterDawn: Tech news

Swedish prosecutor hopes to bring charges against Pirate Bay founder within month

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Jan 2013 12:20 User comments (4)

Swedish prosecutor hopes to bring charges against Pirate Bay founder within month Incarcerated Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svarholm will likely face charges over hacking in the coming month.
Svarholm was deported from his hiding place in Cambodia in August and brought back to Sweden to serve a year in prison for his involvement with the infamous torrent tracker.

After returning to the country, however, Svartholm was accused of hacking Logica, a Swedish IT company.
Gottfrid has been incarcerated since.

Prosecutor Henrik Olin says he will make his decision by the end of February on whether to pursue charges: "Our ambition is to be able to prosecute. But I am of course open to any new information that may come in."

Svarholm says he remains bored, as all access to the Internet has been blocked to him.

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4 user comments

130.1.2013 09:22

What do they mean he's being charged with "hacking in the coming month". This is illogical as I doubt time can be manipulated by the WWW. This just shows you how silly and superstitious this world has become. Soon they will be claiming we are all witches, etc, etc....


230.1.2013 09:35
Unverified new user

Originally posted by eman1:
What do they mean he's being charged with "hacking in the coming month". This is illogical as I doubt time can be manipulated by the WWW. This just shows you how silly and superstitious this world has become. Soon they will be claiming we are all witches, etc, etc....

You misunderstood it, "Prosecutor Henrik Olin says he will make his decision by the end of February" The title says that he will face the charges in the comming month. The forgot to put a comma after "hacking".

330.1.2013 09:35

Seriously though, personally, how many people do you know that rely on piratebay for their IT related life?

Everyone I know that lives by using it for everyday use, etc, are poor and have no money to live like their neighbors do. I see people out and about, spending a healthy price for the software, and pc related things they have.

Then there are those who literally would have nothing but an empty, used, dumpster dug pc with nothing to run it or have on it.

That's what this man is guilty of. Opening up the buffet after hours for the poor and downtrodden.

I see no company going broke from piratebay or shared pc related items, on the contrary it's a sin city where they live unheard of lives, lavish and in excess.

I am not saying they don't have the right to be rich and greedy and self serving in all ways, even in their charity, but even the dogs and beggers would like to sit in their homes and remember their poverty no more in the world of make believe.

That's what this man has done, we all know it, and we despise the ruling bodies and authorities singling him out for that. The poor beggers and their children get to live in the world of make believe and wash their sorrows away in that fashion.

The rich and greedy show they have no limits, and only want every last scrap and penny that slips through the cracks. As it is, no one sells and lives off pirated things, that's impossible in this present day world with security as it is.

What they are saying is, "the poor and begger should not have anything, unless they pay for it, and if they can't, too bad, let them want and watch others feast on pleasure and leisure, and edit their photos and write their letters with the aide of spell checker!",

Which actually can be done using freeware too.

Anyways, that's all this is about is greed. Greed by a rich powerful community that's been doing this since the beginning.

Soon, oh very soon, your greed will collapse the very foundations you think are secure and cannot be upended.

Soon you will know real terror and despair, and why?

Because you anger God, who loves the poor, yes even the poor pirate that has a movie and MS office. Yet he hates and despises YOU for your greed!!

ALL MUST PAY FOR THEIR PORN, the beggers are damned, and those how produce it be praised and protected in their greed!!!

430.1.2013 12:24

>>>>>>>You misunderstood it, "Prosecutor Henrik Olin says he will make his decision by the end of February" The title says that he will face the charges in the comming month. The forgot to put a comma after "hacking".<<<<<<<<<

Thank you so much for clearing that up, whew, I was going crazy for the past few hours trying to find out if anyone hacked into my future....!!!!

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