AfterDawn: Tech news

Report: Xbox 8 to be revealed at April event

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Feb 2013 9:56 User comments (5)

Report: Xbox 8 to be revealed at April event According to multiple reports, Microsoft is preparing to reveal their Xbox successor at an event in April.
Sony recently showed off features and some gameplay demos for its upcoming PlayStation 4, although the company did not unveil the actual hardware itself. The console is set for launch in November.

Giving more credence to the rumor is the fact that Microsoft partner Ustechs has already registered the domain Ustechs has partnered with Microsoft in the past for previous media briefings like last year's E3.

The new Xbox is expected to launch with Kinect 2, a Blu-ray drive, majorly improved specs and improved speech recognition, much like Apple's Siri service. Supposedly, it will support "wake on voice", natural language controls and provide for speech-to-text.

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5 user comments

123.2.2013 00:45

Lets hope this is more impressive than the PS4 announcement

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 23 Feb 2013 @ 12:46

223.2.2013 12:48

Originally posted by bobiroc:
Lets hope this is more impressive than the PS4 announcement

323.2.2013 20:09

Originally posted by bobiroc:
Lets hope this is more impressive than the PS4 announcement
lost as to what your talking about the PS4 sounds great unless you enjoy looking at the box they come in.

8gb GDDR5 ram blew me away no boot times there are loads of cool features on PS4.

E3 we will see the box & more games what it looks like means nothing they showed what it can do most important thing imo.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 23 Feb 2013 @ 8:15

423.2.2013 20:53
Unverified new user

I wonder what color they will use for the legendary rings!
I'm sure they're tired of it being red!

524.2.2013 03:32

An affordable 1TB hard drive would be nice.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 24 Feb 2013 @ 3:32

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