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T-Mobile to finally offer iPhone models, including iPhone 5 for just $99 upfront

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 27 Mar 2013 12:25 User comments (6)

T-Mobile to finally offer iPhone models, including iPhone 5 for just $99 upfront After years of not offering the popular device, T-Mobile will begin offering the iPhone starting on April 12th.
The carrier will offer the iPhone 4, 4S and 5, and the iPhone 5 will be compatible with the company's 3G, 4G HSPA+ and LTE networks.

Thanks to the company's new "Uncarrier" plans, the iPhone 5 will sell with two options. You can purchase the device at full price at time of purchase, or purchase it for $99 upfront and pay out $20 a month for 24 months, for a total of $579 over two years.

If you want an iPhone 4 or 4S, the installment plan cost is just $15 or $70 down with a $15 or $20 monthly charge, respectively.

T-Mobile also notes that the iPhone 5 will support "HD Voice," which the company defines as high definition voice calling with background noise reduction.

"This is an important day for people who love their iPhone but can't stand the pain other carriers put them through to own one," said John Legere, president and CEO of T-Mobile USA. "We feel their pain. I've felt the pain. So we're rewriting the rules of wireless to provide a radically simple, affordable iPhone 5 experience -- on an extremely powerful network."

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6 user comments

127.3.2013 00:54

if i would still live in US, i would go for t-mobile. very good offer for iphone indeed.

228.3.2013 08:54

Wow Really you are going to charge three times more then at&t no thank you t-mobile.

At&T = 199.99 for the phone 105.00 a month for service.

T-mobile = 579.00 for the phone and i dont even want to know on the service plan

328.3.2013 10:10

Originally posted by megadunderhead:
Wow Really you are going to charge three times more then at&t no thank you t-mobile.

At&T = 199.99 for the phone 105.00 a month for service.

T-mobile = 579.00 for the phone and i dont even want to know on the service plan
Service plan is $70 for unlimited everything. So $35 x 24 = $840. You are saving a ton on T-Mobile. It may be time to reconsider your crappy AT&T contract.

428.3.2013 13:44

Yes, T-Mobile is much cheaper and unlimited everything unlike AT&T or Verizon so it is a good way to go. I haven't looked at the iPhone prices but for the Galaxy S3 T-Mobile was the cheapest for the phone out right and Verizon was over double the price, AT&T was more too. I will be going with the Galaxy S4 myself and could careless about the iPhone. Sprint, which is who I'm with now, is also unlimited and priced favorably but they have gotten to be horrible for customer service and certain new policies so I will be leaving them after over a decade of their service.

529.3.2013 21:08

yes t-mobile is cheaper but the unlimited plans are always rigged to phones that no one wants

630.3.2013 00:13

Really?? You wouldn't want a Samsung Galaxy S 3 or 4??? I think you need to re-evaluate or you don't know what you're talking about.

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