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USB 3.0 specs updated to boost peak bandwidth to 10Gb/s

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Apr 2013 4:12 User comments (4)

USB 3.0 specs updated to boost peak bandwidth to 10Gb/s

USB-IF has announced this week that updated USB 3.0 specs have boosted peak bandwidth to 10Gb/s, ensuring the specification will now be able to compete with Thunderbolt.
The update to "SuperSpeed USB" will require new cables, but they are backward compatible with all existing USB connectors/cables.

"With the new SuperSpeed USB enhancement to increase performance up to 10Gb/s data rate, coupled with the USB power delivery specification capable of delivering up to 100 watts of power to USB-enabled devices, consumers will soon be able to have one USB cable to support all their needs," said Jeff Ravencraft, USB-IF president and COO.

The spec will still lag Thunderbolt, which can use full 10Gb/s bandwidth in both directions, using a single cable. USB 3.0 still cannot.

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4 user comments

113.4.2013 02:26

great news. well, we now need new cables but how about the port? will be done through a driver update, right?

214.4.2013 03:27

The update to "SuperSpeed USB" will require new cables, but they are backward compatible with all existing USB connectors/cables.

Wait, so is this another new cable type, or is it the same as a standard USB 3.0 cable? Which direction goes 10Gb/s, or is it total between up/down?

323.4.2013 07:25

What about USB sticks? Will they be able to ramp up the speed

424.4.2013 01:46

Wow thats about the same speed as HDMI cables. I wonder if that means there will be increased speeds for HDMI?

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