AfterDawn: Tech news

Microsoft offers Fix It tool for serious IE8 security issue

Written by James Delahunty @ 09 May 2013 2:39 User comments (3)

Microsoft offers Fix It tool for serious IE8 security issue Microsoft is offering a Fix It tool for concerned users of Internet Explorer 8 that addresses a security vulnerability being exploited in the wild.
The flaw (CVE-​2013-​1347) was exploited as part of an attack on the U.S. Department of Labor's website and its users. Visitors who were running the vulnerable Internet Explorer 8 browser had their computers infected with malicious software.

The issue does not affect any other version of Internet Explorer, but many home and business users still run the ageing web browser.

Microsoft has not yet issued a proper patch for the flaw, and so as a temporary fix it is offering concerned users a one-click Fix It tool that you can get at

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3 user comments

110.5.2013 16:33

Holy shit!! people still use IE wow. must be the ones who first started using the internet way back in the old 28.8 modem days lol

no no no dont upgrade to better, just keep that old shitty 266mhz cpu!!! along with IE. hell use the old NETSCAPE atleast ya wont get a fuckin exploit lol.

211.5.2013 04:16

Golly, yuk, I jus cane't wait ta get home and tell the wife I read a post from a tech snob.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 May 2013 @ 4:17

311.5.2013 10:11

Beats me why some people have to see the world in such silly black & white terms.
I use IE8, Chrome & Firefox.
All of them have their flaws and none of them are perfect.

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