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Ubisoft: No more Wii U exclusives until Nintendo sells more consoles

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 13 Jun 2013 6:29 User comments (1)

Ubisoft: No more Wii U exclusives until Nintendo sells more consoles The hits just keep on coming for Nintendo.
One of its biggest developer partners, Ubisoft, has said today it will not create any more exclusive titles for the Wii U console until the company sells more units.

Bluntly, CEO Yves Guillemot said, "We need more [Wii U] sold."

Earlier this year Ubisoft said they remain committed to the console, even when others like EA took the opposite stance, discontinuing development for the console. The publisher has one of the biggest hits for the Wii U, ZombiU, which was so popular that Nintendo even created hardware bundles around it.

Nintendo recently announced updates for first party smash hits Super Mario, Legend of Zelda, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong Country, all of which are almost guaranteed to be hits. Guillemot says he hopes the new games will help spur hardware sales, as well.

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1 user comment

113.6.2013 19:14

Hear that Nintendo?, push the hardware sales; here's a thought, drop your damn price on your already then outdated tech: for $50 more than a Wii-U Deluxe people can pre-order the PS4.

My assumption still is that you will start selling units AFTER Sony goes through their pre-order stock, as I highly doubt they will have the demand to meet everyone. (Stores in Canada have already stopped taking pre-orders for PS4 because they can't satisfy the demand in our country.) So unless people flock to the very restrictive Xbone I can see Wii-U selling somewhat: because of their upcoming software titles.

A mistake now would be if they fail to launch any of their upcoming holiday games in time (as in they have to push back the release date). They don't want to push on consumers patience for every much launcher: as when Sony does eventually catch up with demand for PS4, then where will they be? Possibly further away than Xbone.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 13 Jun 2013 @ 7:14

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