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Here are the top 10 most pirated shows of the last TV season

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Jun 2013 9:21 User comments (3)

Here are the top 10 most pirated shows of the last TV season TorrentFreak has put together their most recent list, the top 10 most pirated TV shows of the last season.
Game of Thrones was the clear champion but there were a few surprises on the list, as well.

Perhaps most notably, the number of downloads for the HBO blockbuster jumped 25 percent from last season.

The below list is an estimate per single episode, for the season that started in March and just ended in June. The data is collected from public torrent trackers, and does not include cyberlockers, online streaming or private torrent trackers, meaning these numbers are likely very low compared to the real figures.

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3 user comments

124.6.2013 00:12

How I Met Your Mother scored third?

21.7.2013 04:21

Originally posted by Jemborg:
How I Met Your Mother scored third?

Surprised me too. From a "sex education" comment by Steven Colbert I gathered why Game of Thrones achieved number one spot or the insatiable thirst of US viewers for Zombie and Vampire shows for the 4th and 8th spots. What surprised me is that Downton Abbey did not make the list.

31.7.2013 05:20

Originally posted by pmshah:
What surprised me is that Downton Abbey did not make the list.

Good point.

Dexter and Breaking Bad can't be that far behind either.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 01 Jul 2013 @ 5:21

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