AfterDawn: Tech news

Google loaning Street View Trekker gear to capture more hard-to-reach areas

Written by James Delahunty @ 30 Jun 2013 3:43

Google loaning Street View Trekker gear to capture more hard-to-reach areas

Google is allowing third parties to borrow its Street View Tekker gear in order to capture more hard to reach areas.
If you represent an organization such as a tourism board, non-profit, government agency, university or research group that would like to take photos with the Trekker for future inclusion on Google Maps, then you can apply to borrow Google's gear.

The Street View Trekker allows for people to carry the equipment on their backs while walking, so areas where vehicles or even bicycles can't reach can be covered.

Recently, Street View got imagery from the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. That was the first time the service had covered a skyscraper.

Tags: street view
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