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Nintendo Wii U performance firmware update pushed until fall

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 12 Jul 2013 1:25 User comments (3)

Nintendo Wii U performance firmware update pushed until fall

Nintendo, who recently pushed out a software update for the Wii U, has said today that the update will not include the performance updates the gaming company promised for the summer.
The new update has a few minor updates, mainly bug fixes and minor support enhancements.

Nintendo's larger update has been delayed until the fall, although the timetable is unclear except that it will be near the end of September.

That update should drastically improve laggy performance of the console, President Iwata noted three months ago.

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3 user comments

112.7.2013 23:31

by the time the update comes out, nintendo will be filing for bankruptcy protection.

213.7.2013 01:39

wow bankruptcy? isn't that said every time the new gens are out? Nintendo is far from bankruptcy, people were saying the same thing during the Gamecube erra, once the new lineup of first party titles comes wii u will be selling just fine, I think they released way to early but it will be corrected and those that prefer to have an innovative gaming system over a PC in a box in front of their TV will buy one.

If your that concerned please check out their annual report here:
You will see their operating income has gone down and sales and overall assets have actually increased since last year.

313.7.2013 10:58

It was a cheap joke. I didn't think anyone would have actually thought a company could nose dive that quickly, or taken the comment seriously. Relax man.

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