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Major spy agencies have banned use of Lenovo PCs due to backdoor vulnerabilites

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 28 Jul 2013 7:16 User comments (6)

Major spy agencies have banned use of Lenovo PCs due to backdoor vulnerabilites According to a new report, UK, U.S., Canadian, New Zealand and Australian spy agencies have all banned using Lenovo PCs due to remote access vulnerabilities that were found during security testing.
The internal ban has allegedly been in place since the mid-2000s "after intensive laboratory testing of its equipment allegedly documented "back-door" hardware and "firmware" vulnerabilities in Lenovo chips."

Lenovo has never gotten the required security certifications needed by most of the agencies, either.

Many of the exploits found could lead to backdoor/remote access by attackers.

There is, of course, the suspicion of China's ties to the world's biggest computer maker. China's Academy of Sciences is the majority shareholder of Legend Holdings, which in turn is Lenovo's largest shareholder.

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6 user comments

128.7.2013 21:12

This is all bullshit why western country so down mind-est when loss out on hi-tech and band on china company so f*****f

229.7.2013 00:01

Actually this also explains a lot as well see because of security issues found in packard bell computers users of there machines during the windows 3.1 95 98 2000 me years where getting viruses left and right this is why packard bell computers where named virus suckers they always picked up the monkey b virus even when they where not online now look at lenovo aka ibm thinkpads there machines have always had issues with security

329.7.2013 06:15

Pot calling the kettle black isn't it. I guess they are the only countries that should be spying on their people.

429.7.2013 08:52

Pot calling the kettle black isn't it. I guess they are the only countries that should be spying on their people.

Let's reiterate that, the only countries to be allowed to spy on ALL people. Their spying is not limited to just inside their country, and collaboration with each other helps expand the scope of said range. But no worries, as the NSA and Obama said, "Uncle Sam is not watching you", but it makes ya wonder if they look away when they see ya fap.

529.7.2013 11:20

during the windows 3.1 95 98 2000 me years where getting viruses left and right this is why Packard bell computers where named virus suckers
The only reason Packard Bell systems were riddled with viruses was due to he type of customer that bought them. If someone did not know much about PCs they bought a Packard Bell, they also clicked every dodgy email link, pop-up, nefarious script possible!

Would love to read about catching the Monkey virus when offline, would be very surprised unless is was transmitted via floppy and again this means click click click without knowing any better and certainly no decent AV.

Things like that will never change and is the reason PC World in the UK can still sell a PC, the masses want simple, it certainly doesnt mean there were backdoors in Packard Bells :-/

65.8.2013 10:14

And I really like Lenovo :(

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