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Samsung Galaxy SII not likely to get any more Android updates

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 31 Jul 2013 12:04 User comments (3)

Samsung Galaxy SII not likely to get any more Android updates According to multiple sources, the Samsung Galaxy S II may no longer be receiving Android 4.2.2, or subsequent updates.
Owners of the two-year-old device were ecstatic earlier this year when the device was listed as getting Jelly Bean and beyond, but that may no longer be the case.

One source says that "due to adjustment problems in the TouchWiz interface," all plans for Android upgrades have been scrapped.

Galaxy Note owners may be getting the same disappointing news as the original phablet has the same hardware and software as the S II.

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3 user comments

11.8.2013 06:20

except there has been a leaked version of 4.2.2 for the s3 and the s2 and even the note as well so i can still update my device if i want to it will just be unsupported instead of supported

23.8.2013 01:29

I recently acquired an S2 (GT-I9210T) for $50 and think I'll just go to CM10.1 as the standard Honeycomb licks balls and the M0tter 4.1.ROM I'm on although it is nice and smooth seems to be chewing the battery?
I am with Exetel (Optus services) here in Australia and this is a Telstra 4G LTE phone so could be a prob there!

I don't know why Samsung continue to do this though (not update) as it just pisses people off to no end that like the updates.

To hard basket I suppose for the rich...

33.8.2013 03:48

Just be thankful for all the hard working devs who create aosp ROMs, I had same problem with my archos tablet which officially only goes up to ics, but it it runs cm10 4.2.2 really well even tho archos claim the g9 would not run jellybean due to hardware problems, translate this to what the statement should really read "we don't want to waste money developing for old devices, go buy our new tablet instead if u want jellybean"

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