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Analyst: It would be 'bizarre' if Nokia built Windows RT tablet

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Aug 2013 2:15

Analyst: It would be 'bizarre' if Nokia built Windows RT tablet Recent reports, citing multiple sources, have claimed Nokia is building a Windows RT tablet for release next month.
One analyst believes, if the reports are true, that the decision would be bizarre and "highly surprising."

Informa Telecoms & Media analyst Malik Saadi says, "first of all the OS has been a flop, there is no doubt about that. So the choice to go with Windows RT is bizarre."

Less than 200,000 Windows RT tablets were sold in the last quarter, compared to over 14 million iPads and over 15 million Android tablets.

Saasi also believes Nokia should be focusing on their Windows Phone efforts, which are still struggling to carve out a place in the duopoly owned by Google and Apple. "At this stage it is really risky for Nokia to enter the tablet market," Saadi added.

The only way it would make sense is if the company already had a large purchaser lined up, adds the analyst.

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