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Samsung working on 13MP smartphone camera with optical image stabilization

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 07 Oct 2013 10:05 User comments (2)

Samsung working on 13MP smartphone camera with optical image stabilization Despite skipping cameras with optical image stabilization (OIS) for their current generation of devices, Samsung appears to be working on new modules for next year's flagship devices.
The company has revealed a new 13MP camera with OIS and improved low-light performance.

GSMA says the new "module can correct up to 1.5°," beating out the HTC One's camera at 1°.

In addition, the low-light performance for video and stills are up to eight times better than current models.

The module will go into mass production in the early months of next year.

Tags: Samsung OIS
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2 user comments

18.10.2013 16:58


29.10.2013 16:26

Cool....maybe I'll get one later on when I decide to get a cell phone again. For now........phones are crap and so are ALL SERVICES so I'm sticking with my Vonage only.

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