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UK retailer expects Xbox One to outsell PS4 at launch

Written by James Delahunty @ 10 Oct 2013 10:07 User comments (10)

UK retailer expects Xbox One to outsell PS4 at launch

John Lewis, a UK department store chain, is expecting the Xbox One console to outsell the PS4 out of the gate.
The person responsible for tech buying at John Lewis is Jonathan Marsh, who said that while the chain is stocking both consoles, the expectation is that the Xbox One will outsell the PS4 after launch. Marsh cites the game line-up and Xbox Live as a major factor for that belief.

"We are expecting more interest in the Xbox One," Marsh said.

"We are stocking both the PS4 and the Xbox One but if we were to back one, we are thinking that Xbox One will appeal a bit more to our customers in terms of the experience it creates."

Back in July, analyst Colin Sebastian also predicted the Xbox One would outsell the PS4 this year due to supply constraints, but at the same time, the mood from the public leans toward the PS4 in polls.

Tags: PS4 Xbox One
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10 user comments

111.10.2013 16:50

these idiots in the UK are stupid in their evaluation. the ps4 will outsell the xbox one big time. all my friends are getting the ps4, not the big clunky xbox one. the games on the ps4 are quality games from japan.

211.10.2013 20:37

some nerd at a retail store thinks the xbox will outsell ps4... just because him and his nerd friends are gonna be standing in line 3 days before it launchs, dont mean the whole world is gonna.. I guess he hasnt been keeping up on the net. I wont buy the xbox one, most of my friends have already pre ordered the ps4 and have no plans on buying an xbox one.

and who really cares what the UK thinks anyways

311.10.2013 20:39

On a related note... Marsh is clueless and doesn't know or understand anything about the videogame world

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Oct 2013 @ 8:40

412.10.2013 00:41

Interesting you should make these comments because here in the UK it's impossible to order a day one release of Xbox one and difficult to pre order one before Xmas, so someone's buying them. If you don't live here how can you comment on the markets here?

512.10.2013 01:41

Originally posted by cowboy333:
Interesting you should make these comments because here in the UK it's impossible to order a day one release of Xbox one and difficult to pre order one before Xmas, so someone's buying them. If you don't live here how can you comment on the markets here?
exactly! a dumb store that hasnt done research is buying the xbox one in the UK thinking it'll sell. and u cant preorder it in the UK either. but u can preorder the ps4 in the US. most poeple in the US are preordering the ps4. wat does this tell u? that the ps4 will outsell the xbox one.. its a no brainer. everyone can see this.

612.10.2013 02:01

You obviously didn't understand. You can't pre-order because they're already sold out. Seeing as John Lewis is one of our better stores and is doing well in these hard times I would think they know what they're talking about, unless you know something about the British markets that the experts don't!

1nsan3 it seems the American government cares what the UK says which is why they didn't start shooting up Syria

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 12 Oct 2013 @ 2:08

712.10.2013 17:59

Originally posted by cowboy333:
You obviously didn't understand. You can't pre-order because they're already sold out. Seeing as John Lewis is one of our better stores and is doing well in these hard times I would think they know what they're talking about, unless you know something about the British markets that the experts don't!

1nsan3 it seems the American government cares what the UK says which is why they didn't start shooting up Syria
ok i know who u are.. u work for that store and trying too hard to ensure ur investment of xbox one sells. obvuiously ur no expert in console sales. nice try troll..

btw, the UK market is small compared to the eurozone, US, china, etc. england is a little, trivial economy that cant defend itself anymore without help from the US.

ha ha ha !!!

815.10.2013 10:29

ok i know who u are.. u work for that store and trying too hard to ensure ur investment of xbox one sells. obvuiously ur no expert in console sales. nice try troll..

btw, the UK market is small compared to the eurozone, US, china, etc. england is a little, trivial economy that cant defend itself anymore without help from the US.

ha ha ha !!!
You are a moron. Thankfully, NOT typical of all Americans, as I have a few American friends who are not total retards.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 15 Oct 2013 @ 10:32

915.10.2013 16:59

Originally posted by waynebaal:
ok i know who u are.. u work for that store and trying too hard to ensure ur investment of xbox one sells. obvuiously ur no expert in console sales. nice try troll..

btw, the UK market is small compared to the eurozone, US, china, etc. england is a little, trivial economy that cant defend itself anymore without help from the US.

ha ha ha !!!
You are a moron. Thankfully, NOT typical of all Americans, as I have a few American friends who are not total retards.
ur an ignorant troll. obviously typical of english ppl as i've noticed this cowardly behavior from them at work, total fairies.

1015.10.2013 19:59

Originally posted by cowboy333:
Interesting you should make these comments because here in the UK it's impossible to order a day one release of Xbox one and difficult to pre order one before Xmas, so someone's buying them. If you don't live here how can you comment on the markets here?
Back on topic.

It's impossible to pre-order a ps4 as well, at least in america. Some online retailers still have ps4 on pre-order because there is a larger bulk of day one consoles for the ps4. There are also many more pre-order bundles. So of course you'd still be able to get a ps4.
That being said, with more bulk avail means more sales.

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