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Evleaks confirms 2K display, fingerprint scanner for upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 30 Jan 2014 7:38 User comments (7)

Evleaks confirms 2K display, fingerprint scanner for upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 Master of the art of "leak" @Evleaks has posted images today with his tweets, seemingly confirming that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 will have a 2K display and a fingerprint scanner.
The word comes via APK files for the S5, which are FingerprintService.apk and 3DTourViewer_WQHD_K.apk. It is unclear what features will come with the Fingerprint service, and whether it will be similar to Apple's TouchID.

WQHD, which is a shorthand for 2560x1440 resolution, which should lead to a massive PPI for the expected 5.2-inch device.

Smasung is expected to unveil the device at the end of February, so we will see if Evleaks is correct yet again. The S5 will go on sale at the end of April.

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7 user comments

131.1.2014 21:56

Very impressive resolution at 564.85 PPI, can you say high density? I'll have to stop burning my finger prints off to use it though. LOL

21.2.2014 00:25


You need a "finger-on-a-keychain". :D

Hey there could be a market for that!

31.2.2014 03:53

can see the adds now

fingers for sale will unlock any device called 1800-M-A-F-I-A

41.2.2014 14:21

Looking very promising...just hope it lives up to the hype!

52.2.2014 07:47

Wow I hope this doesn't put more strain on the battery cause im honestly fine with 1080p display in my phone dont see what all the big fuss is about higher resolution on these small screens. This year im all about battery life. And no more metal phone like that HTC one thats like always running hot for everything.

62.2.2014 08:46

I too am more concerned with battery life than screens in the 500+ PPI isn't my biggest concern but considering that 300 PPI is higher resolution than I can see without touching my eye to the screen, 500 PPI just seems like bragging rights.

Still waiting for a phone with multiple microSD slots so I can carry more music without having to pay the insane premiums for larger internal storage.

72.2.2014 20:36

I'm in with the extra microSD's too, and for the exact same reason Killer. ;D

I'll bet with the 500+ PPI vs. 300 PPI that I could tell the difference but it would be subtle at best, and would it be worth more money, most likely not on a 5.2 in. display.

Now let me recap, no more burning my finger prints off and more eye wash due to pasting my eyeball to the screen. I think I got that straight now.... LOL

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