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Former Microsoft employee arrested for allegedly leaking Windows 8 code, screenshots, more

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Mar 2014 4:37 User comments (6)

Former Microsoft employee arrested for allegedly leaking Windows 8 code, screenshots, more Ex-Microsoft software architect Alex Kibkalo has been arrested and is now facing criminal charges of leaking trade secrets.
Supposedly, the programmer received a poor performance review and thought it would be wise to get some payback on the Redmond giant by leaking Windows 8 code and screenshots to a French tech blogger. Additionally, he leaked some Windows 7 program files and an internal system to fight software piracy called the "Activation Server Software Development Kit."

Microsoft brought their concerns to the FBI in July, after their own corporate investigators tagged him as leaking the Windows 8 code. Kibkalo is said to have admitted giving the info to the blogger, after meeting in an online forum.

Kibkalo worked for Microsoft in Russia and Lebanon. The Activation Server SDK was spread around with the ultimate goal of having developers reverse engineer the code and easily crack the protection on Microsoft products. In September, 2012, the blogger sent the SDK to a Microsoft employee to have it verified for authenticity. The employee went right to a supervisor who notified corporate investigations.

Supposedly, the blogger tried to protect his identity using a new Hotmail account and fake details, but the investigators were able to find an email from Kibkalo in which there were links to Windows 8 code, well before the release of the operating system. The investigators were also able to recover IMs between the two. When the blogger noted that leaking the OS would be illegal, Kibkalo is alleged to have messaged "I know :)"

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6 user comments

124.3.2014 15:26

Don't let me say what they can do with that lousy code !

224.3.2014 16:48

Keep "Milking" people for $$$ !?

324.3.2014 20:44

Did he actually leak the code, or did he poop the code? Either way, no one found it useful.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 24 Mar 2014 @ 8:44

425.3.2014 00:23

So, what we have is a Turd (M$ Employee) sharing a Turd (Window$ 8 Code) with a Turd (Blogger), right ?

What makes this news worthy ?

525.3.2014 20:21

If Mr. Kibkalo actually leaked the source code for Microsoft's DRM licensing SDK, then I feel the least bit sorry for Microsoft. No honor among thieves so they say.

626.3.2014 12:56

Whether you're a hater or lover of MS........doesn't matter, this guy is a leech and a jagoff dishonest, no-integrity thief and deserves the massive punishment he's about to get.

Had I been Bill Gates, I would have spearheaded this investigation and left the FBI out of it and arranged to have this employee removed from the planet. Useless P.O.S. he is!!

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