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Google joins anti-piracy effort to cut ad revenue from rogue websites

Written by James Delahunty @ 11 Jun 2014 4:25 User comments (1)

Google joins anti-piracy effort to cut ad revenue from rogue websites Google is part of a new coalition aimed at cutting advertising revenue to websites that offer copyright infringing content.
The practice of targeting ads on piracy websites is not new. The goal is straight-forward, to make the operation of these websites a non-profitable risk so that many will end up shutting down, or plans to launch new sites will be abandoned. Police in the UK are already targeting ads on piracy websites.

Search giant Google will join another effort in Italy. It will reportedly sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the country, along with music and movie groups, and others in the advertising business.

A committee comprised of signatories will handle complaints from rights holders that highlight advertisements shown on websites offering pirated content.

Source: TorrentFreak

Tags: Google
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1 user comment

111.6.2014 18:26

Data on Rogue Websites acquired by ComScore Inc, etc. It seams more related to the NSA spy agencies world-wide on Human Behavior for Profits pdf [Report]:
Good Money Gone Bad.
Via Digital Citizens Alliance

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 11 Jun 2014 @ 6:38

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