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T-Mobile starts own 'unRadio' streaming service, inks deals with Spotify, Pandora more for unlimited streaming

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 18 Jun 2014 11:23 User comments (4)

T-Mobile starts own 'unRadio' streaming service, inks deals with Spotify, Pandora more for unlimited streaming

T-Mobile US continues to go for the jugular of the U.S. wireless industry, introducing unlimited music streaming that will not go against your data cap.
'Simple Choice' plan customers will be able to stream music from Pandora, Spotify, iHeartRadio, iTunes Radio, Slacker and others without impacting their data caps, a really big deal as streaming services can eat into a 2-3GB data plan in quick order.

In addition, the carrier introduced its own streaming service called 'unRadio' that offer ad-free streaming Internet radio powered by Rhapsody. Users can skip an unlimited amount of tracks and can even download 25 songs for offline playback.

If you have an unlimited data plan with the carrier, unRadio is free. Otherwise it's $4 per month. "It's designed to be a better Internet radio," T-Mobile CEO John Legere added. The service also comes with a Shazam clone built-in, for those times you want to search a song.

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4 user comments

119.6.2014 16:51

"It's designed to be a better Internet radio,"
A better internet radio are those with NO-ADS.

220.6.2014 10:53

Originally posted by Mrguss:
"It's designed to be a better Internet radio,"
A better internet radio are those with NO-ADS.


Otherwise, all streaming services are about the same.

320.6.2014 22:48

Originally posted by Mrguss:
"It's designed to be a better Internet radio,"
A better internet radio are those with NO-ADS.
unRadio does not have ads.

421.6.2014 14:46

For those who don't care about T-Mo. The App is evaluable via Rhapsody using your computer: 14-days free trial ...then just switch emails as you go:

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 21 Jun 2014 @ 2:49

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