AfterDawn v2.0

Petteri Pyyny
10 Sep 2000 19:03

Yes, you probably noticed it when you entered to our site -- totally new layout is here. We changed the layout in September 9th around 23:45.
We've been working on rebuilding our site past 6 months and finally the layout and new dynamic core is finished. It has taken more manpower than any other task so far, so we really hope you love it :-)
New layout allows people to use various sized browsers, it's modem-friendly and much easier to navigate. I know that it probably is a huge disappointment for some users, who loved our previous layout. Don't worry -- I personally loved it more than anything, but there were several problems with that layout (dynamic content updating required updates on graphics, search engines didn't understand frames/tables, etc).
But I really hope you can adjust your mind using this new layout. There might occur some problems -- nobody ever creates bugfree version at first time. But if something comes up, just use the feedback form, link is located at the top of each page.
List of major changes/improvements:

There are lot of things to come in next weeks, but for now - enjoy!
-Petteri Pyyny, webmaster

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