Next target: the individuals

Jari Ketola
3 Jul 2002 12:24

After suing the centralized song-swapping services such as Napster, rather successfully might I add, the music companies are now preparing an attack on the users of peer-to-peer sharing networks.
The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is planning on filing copyright lawsuits against the people sharing the most songs on song swapping services, such as KaZaA. The lawsuits would be a part of a larger scale campaign, which would include a public campaign encouraging music fans to respect the copyright laws.
So far the entertainment industry has avoided suing individuals -- mostly because of the negative publicity associated with giant corporations suing individual Internet users.
At the time of writing this there was over two million users on the KaZaA network. Finding and identifying the biggest filesharers from this haystack might prove out to be a bit more laborious than RIAA expects.
The Wall Street Journal

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