's case closer to trial

Petteri Pyyny
1 Sep 2002 15:11

One of the oldest MP3-related court cases took a step towards court trial on last Thursday when U.S. District Judge Sidney H Stein rejected requests from both parties, in case of vs major record labels represented by RIAA, to rule the case quickly for their favor.
Court date is yet to be set, but this case has been seen as major milestone in determining what is legal and what is not in U.S. legal system -- offered links to pirated music files, located on various servers all around the world. None of the servers were owned or operated by, it merely provided the links. So, this case is a study whether linking to something illegal can be determined illegal or not -- one previous ruling with similiar nature exists already; 2600 hackersite lost its case where court found the site guilty of violating DMCA law when it linked to DeCSS code, not located on its own servers.

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