Recording industry wins an injunction against Madster

Petteri Pyyny
4 Sep 2002 15:57

Federal judge ruled today in favour of the recording industry today and granted a preliminary injunction against Madster (ex-Aimster which had to change its name). Federal court's opinion was that Madster "seemed to contribute to copyright infringement on a massive scale".
Now recording industry has one week time to pen an injunction that would block the illegal distribution of copyrighted works through the Madster's P2P network, but still maintain all possible legal ways to use the network open.
According to Madster's founder, Johnny Deep, filtering content is impossible, because all files sent through the system are encrypted and therefor determining the legality of the files is impossible. According to RIAA, all Madster's legal arguments in the case were rejected by the judge.
Source: Associated Press

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