Fake Robbie Williams album planted on P2P networks

Jari Ketola
18 Nov 2002 15:09

With there release of Robbie Williams' new album Escapology about to hit the stores, people are turning their eyes to Peer-To-Peer networks, such as KaZaA, to get their hands on the music before it's released. The album can be found quite easily, but the contents of the tracks might not be what the listeners are looking for.
Many of the tracks found appear, infact, to be decoys. The songs start to play as you'd expect them to, but after awhile to song fades to silence. And since people often share music without listening to the tracks first, the broken songs are spread to thousands of users.
Record labels have been planting P2P networks with bogus tracks for quite some time now. They are hoping to discourage people from downloading music. According to their reasoning, if people can't download the tracks, they will buy the album.
No representative from EMI, Williams' record label, could be reached for comments.
Yahoo! News

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