US government supports RIAA against Verizon

Petteri Pyyny
21 Apr 2003 14:38

American government delivered a blow to Verizon, one of the largest ISPs in the U.S., as it tries to fight against the RIAA in a court fight that began in last September.
U.S. Department of Justice said that the controversial DMCA law that RIAA is using to get Verizon to reveal one of its customer's identity, doesn't violate free speech rights of individuals, because it targets only at people who have committed copyright violations or are suspected of doing so.
RIAA wants Verizon to reveal the customer's name, because RIAA claims that the user has distributed illegal music over the P2P networks by using Verizon as an ISP. Verizon lost its case in January in district court, but is currently appealing the decision.

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