Grokster fights to maintain favourable ruling

Jari Ketola
17 Sep 2003 14:11

Peer-to-peer company Grokster has filed a reponse to the appeal made by RIAA looking to overturn the earlier ruling, which found Grokster, as a software, legal.
In the ruling Judge Wilson compared Grokster to a video recorder. Both have illegal uses, but also substantial legitimate uses as well. The manufacturer of the product cannot be held liable for possible illegal uses.
Grokster president Wayne Rosso feels that instead of pursuing their rights through courts, RIAA should instead focus on licensing legitimate content to P2P users. "Five bucks a month from each of 60 million file sharers beats the hell out of filing a federal case to get $2,000 from a 12 year-old girl" Mr. Rosso was quoted commenting.

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