US Senator criticizes P2P fines

Jari Ketola
3 Oct 2003 15:40

US Senator Norm Coleman has questioned the current legislation that makes it possible for RIAA to request for fines between $750 and $150,000 per song needs a dose of sanity.
According to senator Coleman the law forces people to settle with the plaintiff out of fear, and without challenge.
"The range of penalties was put in when downloading wasn't even thought of. I can tell you that $150,000 per song is not reasonable, and that's technically what you can put in front of somebody," Coleman said in a conference call with reporters. "That forces people to settle when they may want to fight, but they're thinking, 'Goodness, gracious, what am I going to face?' "
Instead of DMCA subpoenas being processed by clerks, Coleman would like to see the law changed so that some judicial review would be included. So far RIAA has filed lawsuits against a 12-year-old girl (settled out of court for $2,000) and a 65-year-old grandmother (RIAA dropped charges), so there's definitely room for critizism.
The Register
Pioneer Press

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