Supreme Court denies stay in Madster's case

Petteri Pyyny
13 Nov 2003 14:04

Now-defunct P2P company Madster last week appealed earlier court decision to U.S. Supreme Court and also asked for a stay in its case until the Supreme Court decides whether it will review Madster's appeal.
As Madster as a company has shrinked downed to its owner and founder, Johnny Deep, the case is really just Mr. Deep vs RIAA. Now the U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens has made a decision not to grant a stay for him. Stay would have meant that the injunction against him, granted by the lower court, would have been blocked until the Supreme Court makes up its mind whether to take his case for hearing or not. This would have meant that he could have opened Madster again while waiting for the decision and to collect some advertising revenue for his company.

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