Record companies sue ISP employees

Jari Ketola
14 Nov 2003 18:20

The case around, the Australian web site linking to MP3 files, escalates, as the record labels involved in the lawsuit are expanding the case to involve three people from ISP Com-Cen -- two directors, and an employee.
The employee, Chris Takoushis, arranged the deal between Com-Cen and the Web site. "An employee of a company can be brought into proceedings if they knew what the company was doing was illegal," said Michael Speck, General Manager of Music Industry Piracy Investigations.
The claims and demands made by the industry are outright ridiculous. Can you sue someone for renting an apartment for a music pirate? Hell no! The music industry needs to get a grip on reality, and stop shooting their lawsuit shotgun in public.
Read all about the farse at:
ZDNet Australia

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